Thread: AGU 2021 Session T029 - The Cascadia margin: Linking geophysical characteristics with subduction zone structure and evolution

Started: 2021-07-23 12:14:56
Last activity: 2021-07-23 12:14:56
Topics: AGU Meetings
Dear colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to the following session at the 2021
AGU Fall Meeting in New Orleans focused on the geophysical characteristics
of the Cascadia subduction zone. Abstract submission for either in-person
or virtual presentation is open until August 4.

T029 - The Cascadia margin: Linking geophysical characteristics with
subduction zone structure and evolution

Invited Presenters:
Shuoshuo Han (UTIG)
Adam Kent (OSU)

Session Description:
The Cascadia subduction margin poses some of the most significant hazards
related to earthquakes and volcanism in the conterminous United States, and
shows significant variability in seismogenic processes, deformation, and
magmatism at a variety of spatial and temporal scales. In recent decades,
geophysical observations have drastically increased, allowing researchers
to explore the relationships between geophysical characteristics and
geologic processes operating along the Cascadia margin. However, linking
these observations is non-trivial, requiring an integrative understanding
of both geophysical datasets and subduction-related geologic and tectonic
processes. To better understand these relationships, we invite research
contributions that seek to interpret geophysical and geologic information
in the broader tectonic context of the structure and evolution of the
Cascadia margin. Studies that focus on geophysical, geodynamic,
petrological, structural, geochemical, and/or geochronological data are

Jon Delph
Helen Janiszewski
Miles Bodmer
Hannah Shamloo

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