Thread: DEEP 2021 Symposium, Nanjing, China

Started: 2021-08-10 15:58:53
Last activity: 2021-08-10 15:58:53
Topics: Other Meetings
Weisen Shen
2021-08-10 15:58:53
Dear Colleagues,

We are drawing your attention to the “International Symposium on
Deep Earth
Exploration and Practices China, from 26 to 31 October 2021”, DEEP
2021, a hybrid in-person and virtual international conference focused on
recent global research on the deep Earth.

This meeting will serve as a platform where participants can exchange ideas
on progress in deep exploration of the lithosphere, better understand deep
processes in the Earth, expand the new knowledge into practical
applications, and consider international collaboration on the deep
exploration of the Earth. DEEP-2021 will offer an opportunity for
establishing international collaboration within the earth sciences under
the research scope of SinoProbe-II*. SinoProbe-II will look for close
partnership and collaboration through the DEEP-2021 platform, aiming for
integration of exploration and research of critical geological study areas
worldwide, and contributing to the international sharing of exploration
data and results, with the overall objective of enhancing our knowledge of
the Earth.

Please submit your abstract by Aug 14, 2021, at for full consideration, and to
indicate your preferences/needs for an in-person or virtual meeting style.
The registration deadline for the meeting is October 8. As a sponsor
partner, the AGU Seismology Section encourages our members to submit
abstracts and participate in this conference. We strongly encourage
applications from students, postdocs, and early-career scientists.

COVID-19 Precautions
DEEP-2021 is always focused on ensuring a safe and productive meeting. We
are actively watching advice on gathering and travel while working with
local, national and international advisory groups. If conditions and advice
change and warrant a reduced in-person event, or fully virtual event again,
we will inform conveners and the participants as soon as possible.

Scientific Committee, Co-Chairs:

Dong Shuwen, SinoProbe Center, Nanjing University

John Ludden, IUGS
Hans Thybo, ILP
Marco Bohnhoff, ICDP
Anne Sheehan, AGU Seismology Section
Brian G. Hoal, SEG
Ludwig Stroink, GFZ

Oleg Petrov, VESEIGI

*: SinoProbe-II(2021-2030)a national strategy of "Deep Earth" is a major
program for scientific and technological innovation. It will include
acquisition over the Chinese continent and abroad of 20,000km of seismic
reflection profiles, high-density broad-band seismological data

with a 30 by 30 km station density, and MT data at 1°x1°, as well as
super-deep scientific drilling and observations. SinoProbe-II will also
co-initiate the Global Probe project, the "Earth CT", with prominent
organizations that include the ILP, IUGS, IUGG, ICDP, DCO, GFZ, and VSEGEI.
Universities and institutes from a large number of countries will also
contribute to this multi-lateral joint Earth science research.

Thank you for your consideration and best wishes,

Anne Sheehan, Past President of AGU Seismology Section

Weisen Shen, AGU Seismology Section representative for DEEP-2021

*Weisen Shen*

*Assistant Professor*

*Department of Geosciences*

*Stony Brook University*

Office: 631.632.8212

Cell: 303.547.2021


Personal Website

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