Thread: UNAVCO IRIS Joining Forces Newsletter

Started: 2021-08-31 10:36:34
Last activity: 2021-08-31 10:36:34
Scott Johnson
2021-08-31 10:36:34
*Joining Forces Newsletter*
*Alaska Earthquake Response*

It's barely been more than a month since the July 28 M8.2 earthquake in
Alaska but a significant field campaign has been underway. Jeff Freymueller
(Michigan State) and Geoff Abers (Cornell) received NSF funding to rapidly
deploy additional instruments, revisit previously surveyed benchmarks, and
recover data from stations that had lost communications but recorded the

The award includes a portion for UNAVCO field support, which in turn
utilizes a subaward to IRIS for additional field support involving IRIS
staff to assist the experiment. The experiment staged at the IRIS/UNAVCO
jointly occupied Alaska Operations Center
in Anchorage.

In addition to collecting data relevant to the M8.2, the seismometers and
geodetic information will monitor aftershocks and postseismic movement.
Along with existing instruments, this will help to elucidate the rupture
area and behavior along the megathrust. If you'd like to see more, the team
documented the field campaign on the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic
Experiment project blog!

Data responses for the M8.2 can be found on the UNAVCO event response
and IRIS event pages.
[image: field photo of seismometer installation]

*(Top image by Sarah Doelger/UNAVCO, bottom image from AACSE blog.)*
*Did you know?*

The EarthScope Consortium Board of Directors will exercise oversight and
governance authority over the affairs of EarthScope, as the IRIS and UNAVCO
Boards do today for their respective corporations. There will be twelve
Directors on the Board. All Directors will be elected by the Voting
Members. At least nine of the Directors must be affiliated with a Member
Institution but do not need to be Voting Members.

The other three Directors need not be affiliated with a Member Institution.

Four Directors will be elected each year, serving staggered, three-year
terms. There will not be more than one Director from any given institution.
A Director may not be reelected to a second consecutive term, except if a
current Director is elected as the next Chair-Elect.

There are special rules for the first post-merger Board in order to provide
some continuity in leadership. Two Directors from each of the existing
Boards of IRIS and UNAVCO immediately prior to the Merger will be appointed
by the Chairs of those Boards to one-year terms as Directors on the new
Board. The Voting Members shall elect the remaining eight Directors, four
from the IRIS community and four from the UNAVCO community. Subsequent
Boards need not consist of equal representation from the IRIS and UNAVCO

*(Image: Anna Shlyapnikova/Wikimedia)*
*Call for Board Nominations*

Nominations for the Board of Directors of both IRIS and UNAVCO are
underway. Directors to be elected in late 2021 are nominally elected for a
three-year term—they would serve only one year prior to the completion of
the merger but will be eligible for a one-year appointment to the initial
ESCO Board of Directors. Nominations for this year’s elections will include
members of the seismology community for the UNAVCO Board and members of the
geodesy community for the IRIS Board, so that the 2022 Boards of each
organization can lead the process of aligning our activities even before
the formal merger date.
*Town Hall*

Join us for the latest information about the merger of UNAVCO and IRIS into
the EarthScope Consortium. The merger is currently planned for late 2022. Click
for the Zoom meeting link, which was also sent to our mailing lists.
(Passcode: earthscope)

Thursday, September 2, 2021, 1:00 PM EDT / noon CDT / 11:00 AM MDT / 10:00
AM PDT / 9:00 AM ADT

*Questions? Feedback? Reach out via our feedback form A member of the
Steering Committee will follow up with you.*

Joining Forces Website

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