2021-10-01 10:01:24
*Correction:* Please note that the submission deadline for this special
session has
been extended to *Monday 04 Oct 2021* 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT.
You still have time to submit an abstract.
Thank you.
Dear members of the community,
We would like to draw your attention to a newly announced late-breaking
session at the AGU Fall Meeting 2021!
The August 2021 South Sandwich Islands earthquake sequence: What happened,
regional tectonic context, and potential for South Atlantic hazards
On August 12, 2021 a complex earthquake sequence occurred beneath the South
Sandwich Islands along the Scotia Arc. Magnitude estimates for the two (or
more?) possibly slow ruptures are still under debate, though most estimates
suggest that at least one event in this doublet was a great earthquake
(M8+). Additionally, this sequence generated a far-reaching tsunami,
highlighting a clear need for better understanding of seismic potential and
improved geohazard monitoring in the southern oceans.
In this late-breaking session we welcome contributions that characterize
the complex main events and associated aftershocks, discuss the
observations and forecasts of the subsequent tsunami from both operational
and post-event perspectives, address the regional tectonics of the Scotia
Plate, paleo- and historical seismicity, and potential for future tsunami
hazards along the Atlantic coasts of South America, Africa, and Antarctica.
The session is now open for submissions. Log in to your AGU User Portal (
https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm21/gateway.cgi?), select "Late-breaking
Sessions" from the left-hand menu, and choose "The August 2021 South
Sandwich Islands earthquake sequence: What happened, regional tectonic
context, and potential for South Atlantic hazards".
The submission deadline is *04 Oct 2021* 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT. Authors
may submit to this late-breaking session even if they have already
submitted the maximum number of first-author abstracts allowed to other
Thank you for your attention. We look forward to seeing you virtually or in
person in December.
Erica Emry
Jonathan Weiss
Summer Ohlendorf
Matthew Herman
session has
been extended to *Monday 04 Oct 2021* 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT.
You still have time to submit an abstract.
Thank you.
Dear members of the community,
We would like to draw your attention to a newly announced late-breaking
session at the AGU Fall Meeting 2021!
The August 2021 South Sandwich Islands earthquake sequence: What happened,
regional tectonic context, and potential for South Atlantic hazards
On August 12, 2021 a complex earthquake sequence occurred beneath the South
Sandwich Islands along the Scotia Arc. Magnitude estimates for the two (or
more?) possibly slow ruptures are still under debate, though most estimates
suggest that at least one event in this doublet was a great earthquake
(M8+). Additionally, this sequence generated a far-reaching tsunami,
highlighting a clear need for better understanding of seismic potential and
improved geohazard monitoring in the southern oceans.
In this late-breaking session we welcome contributions that characterize
the complex main events and associated aftershocks, discuss the
observations and forecasts of the subsequent tsunami from both operational
and post-event perspectives, address the regional tectonics of the Scotia
Plate, paleo- and historical seismicity, and potential for future tsunami
hazards along the Atlantic coasts of South America, Africa, and Antarctica.
The session is now open for submissions. Log in to your AGU User Portal (
https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm21/gateway.cgi?), select "Late-breaking
Sessions" from the left-hand menu, and choose "The August 2021 South
Sandwich Islands earthquake sequence: What happened, regional tectonic
context, and potential for South Atlantic hazards".
The submission deadline is *04 Oct 2021* 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT. Authors
may submit to this late-breaking session even if they have already
submitted the maximum number of first-author abstracts allowed to other
Thank you for your attention. We look forward to seeing you virtually or in
person in December.
Erica Emry
Jonathan Weiss
Summer Ohlendorf
Matthew Herman