Thread: Great ShakeOut - Oct 21

Started: 2021-10-18 10:42:59
Last activity: 2021-10-18 10:42:59
Tammy Bravo
2021-10-18 10:42:59
Free IRIS Resources to support the Great ShakeOut: If you are looking for
ways to make seismology relevant to your students, we have treats for you!
You are receiving this email because you are an Earth Science Educator who
has expressed an interest in receiving free seismology resources from the
IRIS Consortium, which operates the SAGE facility, funded by the National
Science Foundation.
Dear Educators,

My colleagues and I at IRIS
been thinking about teachers a lot lately, As the *Great ShakeOut Day,
October 21 *approaches, it reminds us that in addition to teaching and
learning, educators help keep our students safe. Great ShakeOut earthquake
drills are an opportunity to practice how to be safer during
earthquakes: Drop,
Cover and Hold On

Years ago, when my daughter was in elementary school, I remember sitting
down to breakfast together on a Saturday morning. We had barely started our
waffles when we heard a rumbling sound, and our house began to vibrate. I
was puzzling over my rattling house when I noticed my daughter’s chair was
empty. I only panicked for 2 seconds before I looked under our table.
Smiling beneath her pigtails, she looked up at me and proudly said “I know
what to do in an earthquake!” It took me another 30 seconds to realize that
a truck was dragging equipment down the road behind our house, creating the
noise and vibration we were feeling. However, I was so happy that when
faced with what she thought was an earthquake, she knew to *Drop, Cover,
and Hold On!*

As you prepare for the Great ShakeOut Day, consider how to *make
earthquakes relevant to your students*. Can you search for recent
earthquakes in your region? Do you have access to earthquake data your
students can analyze? One of our favorite resources at IRIS, the IRIS
Earthquake Browser,
is highlighted below.

Best wishes,
Tammy Bravo
Seismologist, Seismology Outreach Specialist

IRIS Earthquake Browser

The IEB is a free web-based interactive map for exploring
earthquake epicenters on a map of the world. To support a classroom
earthquake drill, students can independently zoom in to their state or a
region of interest and explore the current and historical
earthquakes. Questions students could answer include: How close was the
most recent earthquake? What is the region's largest historical
earthquake? Where in the US are you most likely to need to Drop, Cover,
and Hold On?
Take me to the Earthquake Browser
[image: IRIS Earthquake Science]
[image: IRIS Earthquake Sci]
[image: iris_epo]
[image: Website]
*Copyright © 2021 IRIS, All rights reserved.*
The SAGE Facility is operated by IRIS via funding from the National Science

*Our mailing address is:*
1200 New York Ave NW Ste 400
Washington, DC 20005-3929

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