Thread: (no subject)

Started: 2012-01-30 01:17:23
Last activity: 2012-01-30 06:19:48
Topics: SAC Help
2012-01-30 01:17:23

I am very new to sac (and a bit to seismology in general) and have
started experimenting with sac.

one of my header lines is:


I didn't find any reference for JSOP.

Any ideas what that could be?


  • Arthur Snoke
    2012-01-29 22:42:59
    one of my header lines is:


    I didn't find any reference for JSOP.

    Any ideas what that could be?

    Could it be a typo?


    DEP I
    Type of dependent variable:
    IUNKN (Unknown)
    IDISP (Displacement in nm)
    IVEL (Velocity in nm/sec)
    IVOLTS (Velocity in volts)
    IACC (Acceleration in nm/sec/sec)

    • Onur Tan
      2012-01-30 06:19:48
      I've search it in google, and found
      Joint Seismic Observation Period (JSOP) ???
      this is may be a earthquake data set about Africa and/or Mediterranean


      Dr. Onur TAN
      ---------------------------------------------- 40.7866N 29.4500E
      TÜBİTAK Marmara Araştırma Merkezi, Yer ve Deniz Bilimleri Enstitüsü
      TUBITAK Marmara Research Center, Earth and Marine Sciences Institute
      Gebze - Kocaeli - TURKEY

      On 29.01.2012 21:42, "Arthur Snoke" <snoke<at>> wrote:

      one of my header lines is:

      IDEP = JSOP

      I didn't find any reference for JSOP.

      Any ideas what that could be?

      Could it be a typo?


      DEP I
      Type of dependent variable:
      IUNKN (Unknown)
      IDISP (Displacement in nm)
      IVEL (Velocity in nm/sec)
      IVOLTS (Velocity in volts)
      IACC (Acceleration in nm/sec/sec)
      sac-help mailing list

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  • Shahar Shani Kadmiel
    2012-01-30 02:08:05
    Hi Tooly,

    The only thing that pops to mind is "Joint Seismic Observation Program" but I cannot imagine the connection. I suggest you take a look here-
    for a description of header fields.

    Let us know if you find anything.

    On Jan 29, 2012, at 5:17 PM, maytalsadeh<at> wrote:


    I am very new to sac (and a bit to seismology in general) and have started experimenting with sac.

    one of my header lines is:


    I didn't find any reference for JSOP.

    Any ideas what that could be?


    sac-help mailing list

01:09:35 v.b4412d20