Thread: SSA 2021 in person at Bellevue! "Tectonics and Seismicity of Intraplate Regions"

Started: 2022-01-04 10:49:22
Last activity: 2022-01-04 10:49:22
Topics: SSA Meetings
Dear All,

We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to the session "*Tectonics
and Seismicity of Intraplate Regions" *at the 2022 Seismological Society of
America (SSA) that will be held *in person* at Bellevue, Washington on
April 19–23 2022.

*Abstract deadline*: 12 January 2022 at 5 p.m. Pacific Time
*Invited Speakers*: Jessica Thompson Jobe (USGS) and Josip Stipčević
(University of Zagreb)
*Where to submit*:

*Tectonics and Seismicity of Intraplate Regions*
Far from active plate boundaries, in stable continental interiors of
central and eastern North America, northern Europe, Australia, parts of
Asia, as well as in some offshore regions, tectonic deformation and
seismicity are poorly known. New understandings of intraplate tectonic
activity and associated seismicity are being achieved through a variety of
approaches. Some take advantage of recent local, regional or national-scale
geophysical experiments, using various technologies to monitor or image
both onshore and offshore regions. Detailed studies of individual recent
earthquakes or sequences and new methods of identifying smaller earthquakes
from existing data have provided insights into subsurface faulting.
Moreover, advances are being made in measuring historical slip on faults
and estimating recurrence intervals. Our understanding has also increased
from investigations of geodetic, geomorphologic and elevation changes and
through improved measurements of local stresses.
Complementing these approaches are studies that focus on ground motion
attenuation and local site responses in continental interior regions,
highlighting the impact intraplate earthquakes can have on seismic hazard
This session seeks diverse contributions related to intraplate earthquakes
with goals of
describing seismicity, identifying and characterizing active faults and/or
deformation in stable continental interiors or offshore regions,
deciphering long-term earthquake histories, assessing potential ground
motion impacts, constraining models of kinematics and geodynamic properties
and understanding the mechanisms that cause enigmatic intraplate


Anjana K. Shah, U.S. Geological Survey (ashah<at>

Francesca Di Luccio, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, ROMA1 (

Will Levandowski, TetraTech (will.levandowski<at>

Mimmo Palano, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, OE (

Laura Scognamiglio, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, ONT (

Francesca Di Luccio
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
fax +39-06-51860507
Skype: francesca.diluccio

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