Thread: yet another EGU session reminder - Established and Establishing Disciplinary International Frameworks that will Ultimately Enable Real-Time Interdisciplinary Sharing of Data (ESSI2.3)

Started: 2022-01-06 18:08:29
Last activity: 2022-01-06 18:08:29
Topics: EGU Meetings
Dear colleagues,

Happy New Year!

As we still hope that EGU22 can once again be (also) a physical meeting, this is just a brief reminder about session ESSI2.3 that we hope to conduct 'in person' as classical oral / poster session:

Established and Establishing Disciplinary International Frameworks that will Ultimately Enable Real-Time Interdisciplinary Sharing of Data

We hope to see many contributions from groups or initiatives that have established or are establishing data-sharing infrastructure systems/frameworks regardless of scale, as well as those that are attempting global and/or interdisciplinary networking. Topics may range from (meta)data standards, defining minimum core content variables, or be focused on technologies or organizational setups for enabling data sharing. Papers on the social dynamics of building sharing systems/frameworks are also welcome.

The full session description is here

Looking forward to receiving your submissions by 12 January, 1300 CET!

All the best & kind regards,

The conveners
Anca, Lesley, Kirsten, Magdalena, Florian

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