Thread: EGU22 Session | NH6.1 - Remote sensing big data analysis and applications in geosciences

Started: 2022-01-09 21:46:42
Last activity: 2022-01-09 21:46:42
Topics: EGU Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

Happy New Year!

We would like to draw your attention to our EGU22 session

NH6.1 Remote sensing big data analysis and applications in geosciences

We welcome contributions that focus on new AI-based algorithms to retrieve remote sensing products (e.g. SAR, optical and hyperspectral imagery and Lidar) related to environmental resources and hazards in an accurate, automated, and efficient framework. We particularly welcome contributions for applications in (1) mining, oil/gas production, fluid injection/extraction, civil infrastructure, sinkholes, land degradation, peatlands, glaciers, permafrost, and coastal subsidence; (2) emergency response based on remote sensing data to landslides, floods, winter storms, wildfires, pandemics, earthquakes, and volcanoes; and (3) mathematical and physical modeling of the remote sensing products for a better understanding on the surface and subsurface processes. Here are more details

Looking forward to receiving your abstract by 12 January 2022, 13:00 CET.

Best regards,

Mahdi Motagh (GFZ), Ramon Hanssen (TUDelft), Xiaoxiang Zhu (DLR), Ling Chang (UTwente), and Xie Hu (PekingU)

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