Thread: SSA late breaking session: The 15 January 2022 Tonga Eruption and Tsunami

Started: 2022-02-02 13:56:11
Last activity: 2022-02-02 13:56:11
Topics: SSA Meetings
Hi Folks,

At the SSA meeting, there will be a special session at the SSA Annual
Meeting on the 15 January 2022 Tonga Eruption and Tsunami. In addition
to the eruption itself, the devastating effects in Tonga, and the
effects of the tsunami throughout the Pacific Basin, many previously
unobserved phenomena have been reported. We encourage and welcome any
presentations that describe, discuss, model ... these phenomena and the
associated social impacts, implications and lessons. If you have
something to share, please consider submitting an abstract to our deadline.

a) The session description is below; abstracts may be submitted at until Tuesday, 8 March, 2022, at
17:00 Pacific time (midnight UTC).
b) All presenters will be required to attend the meeting in person. SSA
requires all meeting attendees be fully vaccinated.
c) SSA's 2022 Annual Meeting will take place in Bellevue, WA from 19-23
April (see

I look forward to seeing you and your presentation at the meeting!
Best regards,
Peggy Hellweg

Session description:

The 15 January 2022 eruption of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai in the Tonga
Islands was unprecedented in modern times. It was one of the largest
volcanic explosions of the instrumental era and also caused atmospheric
shockwaves that circled the globe. The eruption produced a tsunami that
traveled throughout the Pacific and was also observed at locations in
the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. We welcome papers on the
eruption, the atmospheric waves, any sources and characteristics of the
tsunami, remote or nearby measurements of any of the associated
phenomena, as well as threat assessment and communications and impacts.

Conveners: Peggy Hellweg, University of California, Berkeley; Lori A.
Dengler, Humboldt State University; Emile A. Okal, Northwestern
University; Seth Moran, U.S. Geological Survey; Stuart Weinstein, PTWC;
Summer Ohlendorf, NTWC.

Deadline: Tuesday, 8 March 2022 at 5 p.m. Pacific.

Dr. Peggy Hellweg (retired) University of California, Berkeley
peggy<at> Berkeley Seismological Laboratory

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