Thread: Vendor Booth Space at SAGE/GAGE Workshop

Started: 2022-03-03 10:55:31
Last activity: 2022-03-03 10:55:31
Justin Sweet
2022-03-03 10:55:31
Dear SAGE/GAGE Communities,

Calling all vendors! Need a place to display your company’s information at the 2022 SAGE/GAGE Workshop? Want to do a small exhibit on what your company has to offer to the seismic and geodetic communities? We’ll have five (5) tables available for use in the poster hall area of the 2022 SAGE/GAGE Workshop at the Pittsburgh Sheraton at Station Square!

We will reserve tables on a first come, first served basis for a flat $500 fee. Each vendor will receive the following:
• One (1) 6’ x 30” table (with basic white table cloth)
• Two (2) chairs and one (1) Trash can

If you require any power and/or audio/video, you will need to contract that directly with the hotel and/or their A/V company, and submit payment directly to them.

Tables will be available beginning the afternoon of Monday, June 13th and must be cleared no later than 1 PM on Thursday, June 16th, directly following the end of the workshop. See for more information about the workshop itself.

Please note that all vendor representatives who plan to attend will need to register for the workshop and pay the registration fee. Once you have registered and paid the vendor fee, IRIS will provide you with contact information for the hotel’s audio/video department along with detailed shipping instructions.

Please email workshop<at> to apply and/or inquire.

Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you in Pittsburgh!
Justin Sweet & Beth Pratt-Sitaula

Short Course proposals due: March 8
Special Interest Group (SIG) proposals due: March 15
Student travel support application period: March 1-22
Registration opens: Early April
Registration, abstract submission, and hotel deadline: May 18
SAGE/GAGE Workshop: June 14-16 (short courses June 13)

SAGE and GAGE are seismic and geodetic facilities operated by IRIS and UNAVCO via funding from the National Science Foundation.

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