2022-05-02 08:56:02
Last activity:
2022-05-02 08:56:02
IRIS Meetings
Other Meetings
Dear Colleagues,
We invite faculty to participate in an upcoming workshop (fully funded!)
with both classroom and field components around the IGUaNA (Introducing
Geophysics for Urban and Near-Surface Applications) curriculum modules
*Register Here*:
*In the field*, participants can expect to gain experience with collecting
near-surface geophysics measurements, such as ground penetrating radar,
seismic refraction, and electrical resistivity. After a day of instruction,
participants will then instruct other participants and practice how to
teach effective data acquisition. *In the classroom*, participants will
gain experience with the IGUaNA teaching materials under the guidance of
the module authors and will discuss how to include IGUaNA materials into
your introductory courses.
*Dates:* August 10-12, 2022
*Location:* University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
*Expected Number of Participants:* ~20-25 faculty and instructors. Faculty
and instructors from MSIs and 2YC are encouraged to apply.
*Costs:* This will be a fully-funded workshop, with travel (airfare), hotel
accommodations, and per diem food expenses covered.
*Questions?* Please contact Dr. Danielle Sumy at danielle.sumy<at>
We invite faculty to participate in an upcoming workshop (fully funded!)
with both classroom and field components around the IGUaNA (Introducing
Geophysics for Urban and Near-Surface Applications) curriculum modules
*Register Here*:
*In the field*, participants can expect to gain experience with collecting
near-surface geophysics measurements, such as ground penetrating radar,
seismic refraction, and electrical resistivity. After a day of instruction,
participants will then instruct other participants and practice how to
teach effective data acquisition. *In the classroom*, participants will
gain experience with the IGUaNA teaching materials under the guidance of
the module authors and will discuss how to include IGUaNA materials into
your introductory courses.
*Dates:* August 10-12, 2022
*Location:* University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
*Expected Number of Participants:* ~20-25 faculty and instructors. Faculty
and instructors from MSIs and 2YC are encouraged to apply.
*Costs:* This will be a fully-funded workshop, with travel (airfare), hotel
accommodations, and per diem food expenses covered.
*Questions?* Please contact Dr. Danielle Sumy at danielle.sumy<at>