Thread: UNAVCO IRIS Joining Forces Newsletter - May 2022

Started: 2022-05-09 08:44:13
Last activity: 2022-05-09 08:44:13
Scott Johnson
2022-05-09 08:44:13
*Joining Forces NewsletterMay 2022*
New Digs in Alaska

Since 2018, IRIS and UNAVCO staff have been working together in a shared
facility in Anchorage, Alaska to support both the Transportable Array (TA)
and Network of the Americas (NOTA) operations. This facility included
separate office and warehouse buildings to accommodate all of the TA and
NOTA staff, visitors, and equipment. With the conclusion of the TA project
in early 2022, a smaller location was needed to support ongoing NOTA
operations and UNAVCO PI supported projects in Alaska. The new EarthScope
facility is located next door to the USGS warehouse, which houses field
equipment for the Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO), a frequent
collaboration partner with both IRIS and UNAVCO.

The process of breaking down, condensing, and moving all the equipment and
supplies, and getting the new space ready for occupation took several
months of work by many individuals from both IRIS and UNAVCO. The original
date shifted several times, and in the end we received the keys on April
21st and had everything moved out of the old facility by the 28th. There is
still plenty of work to do organizing and sorting through everything going
forward into the field season but this will be a very good location to
support EarthScope activities into the future.

*-Ken Austin and Ryan Bierma*
[image: photo of three people working with an instrument outside]

The new Alaska facility on day 1 after the move. (Photo: Ryan Bierma)
*Did you know?*

In preparation for the merger, the legacy EarthScope Project website was
migrated to a new, permanent URL:
Fifteen years of exciting science! Data from the highly successful
EarthScope Project resulted in incredible scientific discovery and
demonstrated how seismology, geodesy, and other Earth system science
disciplines contribute to our understanding of Earth processes. To learn
more about the exploration and discovery facilitated by the legacy
EarthScope Project be sure to visit the website, or, for an abbreviated
look, check out the Top 10 EarthScope discoveries

Building on the foundation of the legacy EarthScope Project, we are
confidently looking into the future of EarthScope Consortium.
Communications staff from IRIS and UNAVCO are currently working on a web
presence for the new EarthScope Consortium. This new site will bring
together the best of UNAVCO and IRIS while still maintaining the high level
of functionality, data access, resources, educational products, and support
that the community has come to expect from the NSF Geophysical Facilities.
The new site will launch in early winter, and will continue to grow and
improve in 2023.

*(Image: Anna Shlyapnikova/Wikimedia)*

*Community Science Workshop*

Registration is open! IRIS and UNAVCO are jointly hosting the 2022
SAGE/GAGE Community Science Workshop on June 14-16th in Pittsburgh, PA.
This year’s workshop theme is: *New Horizons: Advancing Seismology and
Geodesy for both Science and Society*.

We are closely monitoring the evolving COVID situation and will do
everything we can to ensure a safe and welcoming meeting environment. Check
out the workshop website
for more information and to register.

*EarthScope Governance Workshop*
On April 28-29 a group of 20 members of our community and current
governance participated in an in-person workshop at Colorado State
University to draft an initial community governance structure building on
the vision and goals of the EarthScope Consortium. Over two full days of
deliberation in a highly collaborative workshop, the group reviewed
governance principles and nonprofit best practices, determined guiding
principles for EarthScope governance, established initial upper-level
advisory structure recommendations, and drafted charters for initial
community Advisory Committees. The recommendations from this workshop are
now being evaluated and refined by the Merger Steering Committee and the
Joint Boards of IRIS and UNAVCO.

*SSA Success*

UNAVCO and IRIS staff, as well as a great many community members,
participated in (an in-person and very well attended) Seismological Society
of America annual meeting in Bellevue, Washington on April 20 - 22. Staff
activities included meeting with community members at our consortium
exhibit booths. Multiple former interns were spotted presenting
research—the future is in good hands!

(Photo: Scott Johnson)
*Member Representatives*

All member representatives of UNAVCO and IRIS have been contacted and asked
to identify primary and alternate member representatives for EarthScope
Consortium. Thank you to all who have replied! If you have not yet
responded, please reach out to community<at> and/or

*Questions? Feedback? Reach out via our feedback form
A member of the Steering Committee will follow up with you.*

Joining Forces Website

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