Thread: want to increase sac screen

Started: 2012-06-22 18:51:25
Last activity: 2012-06-22 22:16:31
Topics: SAC Help
Sunil .
2012-06-22 18:51:25

Dear Sac user,

I upgrade my sac from 101.3 to 101.5c. And in sac-101.5c sac plot screen in very small. I want to increase it.
So i want to know, how to increase the plot screen.

Thanking you in anticipation.


  • Metin Kahraman
    2012-06-22 22:16:31
    Dear Roy,

    check the options called, WINDOW, XVPORT, YVPORT in sac help. I
    guess adding proper values those options you can increase size of
    plot screen.


    On Jun 22, 2012, at 2:51 PM, Sunil Roy wrote:

    Dear Sac user,

    I upgrade my sac from 101.3 to 101.5c. And in sac-101.5c sac plot
    screen in very small. I want to increase it.
    So i want to know, how to increase the plot screen.

    Thanking you in anticipation.


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