Thread: SAGE/GAGE Workshop: Last chance for in-person registration, Virtual site launch

Started: 2022-05-31 12:59:59
Last activity: 2022-05-31 12:59:59
Topics: IRIS Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

The SAGE/GAGE workshop is just around the corner—only 2 weeks away! We’ve been blown away by the number of people who have registered to join us in Pittsburgh—if you’re still on the fence, it isn’t too late to get your registration completed. The full meeting agenda, hotel/travel info, and registration can all be found on the workshop website

If you’ve been waiting to register to join us in Pittsburgh, your time is almost up. In-person registration closes next Monday (June 6th). Since we are not offering on-site registration for this year’s meeting, this is your last chance to join us in-person for the workshop. After June 6th, virtual registration will remain open through the end of the workshop (June 16th).

All poster presenters will be receiving emails this week with your assigned day and posterboard number. Don’t forget that if you will be presenting a poster, you also need to upload a digital copy to the virtual site beginning next Monday (June 6th). A full list of poster presentations (and linked abstracts) has been posted to the workshop website under the Posters tab.

Our virtual meeting site will be launching this week! All workshop participants (in-person & virtual) will have an account created for them on the virtual meeting site. The site will provide access to livestream and on-demand video of workshop plenary sessions, and will also allow posters to be viewed and shared with both in-person and virtual workshop participants. If you aren’t able to join us in Pittsburgh, we encourage you to register to attend virtually! You can register as a virtual attendee on the workshop website

All in-person workshop attendees must provide proof of vaccination before traveling to Pittsburgh. If you’ve registered and have not yet responded to the email from our vaccination verification partner Crowdpass, please make sure to check your spam folder. As of today we still have ~40 people who have not uploaded their proof of vaccination and we need every single one of you to complete this process in the next few weeks. You can find a full list of our COVID safety practices on the workshop website

Have questions? Feel free to reach out to Beth, Justin, or workshop<at>

Many Thanks,

Justin Sweet, IRIS workshop lead
Beth Pratt-Situala, UNAVCO workshop lead

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