Thread: EarthScope Consortium Board of Directors Election

Started: 2022-05-31 19:51:04
Last activity: 2022-05-31 19:51:04
Victor Tsai
2022-05-31 19:51:04
Dear EarthScope Community,

The Transitional EarthScope Consortium Nominating Committee (members listed below) is asking for nominations to serve on the first EarthScope Consortium Board of Directors. Please nominate yourself or a colleague you think would be especially suitable to be considered in the upcoming election.

We are interested in obtaining input from our entire community to ensure that the Board of Directors will be composed of a diverse group that together is representative of, and can speak for, the whole community. The new Board members will be actively engaged and committed to ensuring a bright future for our national facility that supports geophysical science, and serve during an exciting time when IRIS and UNAVCO have merged to become one entity.

Using your input, the Nominating Committee will craft a slate of names for the election that will result in 8 new board members (4 of which are two-year positions, 4 of which are three-year positions). These 8 elected members will join 4 members from the current IRIS and UNAVCO boards who have been appointed to serve one-year positions on the new EarthScope Board. These 4 appointed EarthScope Consortium Directors are Leigh Stearns (UNAVCO), Anne Sheehan (UNAVCO), Brandon Schmandt (IRIS), and Jeffrey Freymueller (IRIS).

The slate of candidates will be formed by the end of July, and the election will be held in August in order to seat the incoming Board by October. Please provide your input by June 14, 2022 for full consideration. Thank you in advance for your help in this important process!

To provide input, you can email any of the members of the Nominating Committee or alternatively suggest names using the google form linked below (optionally anonymous). We encourage nominators to include information about why nominees may be effective board members or why they would enhance the diversity of the board.

Link to google form:

The Transitional EarthScope Nominating Committee
Victor Tsai (victor_tsai<at>, co-chair (IRIS)
Bill Hammond (whammond<at>, co-chair (UNAVCO)
Eileen Evans (eileen.evans<at>
Ed Garnero (garnero<at>
Dara Goldberg (degoldberg<at>
Cathy Manduca (cmanduca<at>
Hilary Martens (hilary.martens<at>
Eileen Martin (eileenrmartin<at>

Victor Tsai
Associate Professor of Geophysics
Dept. of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences
Brown University
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