Thread: Denver GSA Topical Session T27: Integrating Geological and Geophysical Research at the Denver 2022 GSA Annual Meeting – Abstract Solicitation

Started: 2022-07-12 09:24:00
Last activity: 2022-07-12 09:24:00
Topics: GSA Meetings
Dear Colleague,

As the July 19th Abstract Deadline approaches, we would like to draw your attention to a technical session on the Integration of Geology and Geophysics to be held at the 2022, Denver, Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America. Details are below. This is a hybrid session.

We encourage you, your colleagues, and students to present the results of your research in this session.

Thank you for your consideration, and we hope to see you in Denver or online!

Jonathan Caine, jscaine<at> <jscaine<at>>
Michael Frothingham, michael.frothingham<at> <michael.frothingham<at>>
Kevin Mahan, kevin.mahan<at> <kevin.mahan<at>>
Vera Schulte-Pelkum, vera.schulte-pelkum<at> <vera.schulte-pelkum<at>>

Geological Society of America, GSA Connects 2022 Denver, CO, October 9-12, 2022

Abstract Deadline: July 19

Topical Session Title: T27 – From Outcrops to the Base of the Crust – Integrated Geophysical and Geological Illumination of Earth’s Tectonic Fabrics to Refine Understanding of Crustal Evolution and Natural Resources

Endorsers: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA Geophysics Division; U.S. Geological Survey

Brief Description: The revolution in digital data acquisition, access, and analyses allows new correlations from surface to depth. Integrated geologic and geophysical studies highlighting new ways to test hypotheses in crustal evolution, hazards, and Earth resources are welcomed.

Full Rationale: Digital structural geologic databases – composed of captured orientation data from scanned maps, ingested from reports, theses, and dissertations, and uploaded from digital field devices are growing in the Earth science community. At the same time, geophysical campaigns that capture seismic, magnetic, and electrical data are being conducted at large scales with data being served via numerous digital repositories. Classical structural geologic and advanced statistical methods allow for a variety of analyses of tectonic fabric in the spatial and temporal domains that can be tied to ground-truthed geologic features and structures over a large variety of scales. Oriented samples can be analyzed for rock fabric and petrophysical properties using direct measurements, microbeam analysis, and other experimental approaches to allow integration with local to regional geophysical datasets. For example, upper crustal, structurally-controlled polymetallic vein networks can occur in mineral belts that are hypothesized to have formed in preexisting, plastically deformed shear zones. However, the 3-D geometry of such belts, their crustal extent, origins, and role in the localization of magmatic and other fluid related processes from depth to the surface remain enigmatic. High resolution aeromagnetic data are commonly used to identify locations of such magmatic bodies and, if integrated with seismic anisotropy constraints such as receiver function data, could help better document and understand the 3-D nature of mineral belt systems. Similar approaches can be used to refine tectonic and geologic frameworks along active plate margins and in intraplate settings to help quantify the geometry of aquifer systems and geothermal reservoirs, and test hypotheses regarding the role of shear zones in the assembly, kinematics, and evolution of continents. Furthermore, large geologic and geophysical datasets could lend themselves to emergent machine learning techniques that are able to interrogate disparate data types for better identification and refinement of relationships among Earth features. Such endeavors could provide foundations for more comprehensive and publicly available databases related to Earth structure and associated controls on the locations and utilization of natural resources. A major goal of this session will be to provide a new forum for geologists and geophysicists, professionals, academics, government, and student researchers to bridge current language and communication gaps while facilitating new and integrative learning. Contributions may include but are not limited to integrative field, laboratory, experimental, and numerical modeling studies that link the surface to the subsurface.
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