Thread: Invitation to Submit Abstracts to Session S010 on “Geophysics for Geothermal Energy” at the 2022 AGU Fall Annual Meeting

Started: 2022-07-14 19:56:44
Last activity: 2022-07-14 19:56:44
Topics: AGU Meetings
We would like to invite you to submit abstracts to the 2022 AGU Fall Annual Meeting Session S010 on “Geophysics for Geothermal Energy.” We welcome abstracts on geophysical technologies applied to all types (e.g., direct use, hydrothermal, EGS and supercritical geothermal system) of geothermal energy, such as active surface seismic, vertical seismic profiling, distributed acoustic sensing, large-N array, induced seismicity, ambient seismic noise, gravity, magnetotellurics, electrical resistance tomography, and InSAR. We welcome submissions of abstracts on computational, laboratory experimental, and field-scale studies of geophysical technologies for geothermal energy applications.

2022 AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL & Online Everywhere; 12-16 December 2022

Session ID: 157975
Session Title: S010. Geophysics for Geothermal Energy
Section: Seismology
To submit an abstract to S010, please go to

The abstract submission deadline is Wednesday, 3 August 2022 at 23:59 EDT.

Lianjie Huang, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Hiroshi Asanuma, AIST - National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Andrew E. Sabin, U.S. Navy Geothermal Program Office
Robert Mellors, University of California San Diego

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