Thread: HELP: How to set plotting window size by default

Started: 2012-08-02 21:32:06
Last activity: 2012-08-03 15:08:22
Topics: SAC Help
I know there is command "window" that can be used to adjust the window size.

But how can I set the default window size ?



  • Arthur Snoke
    2012-08-03 04:05:59
    Look at the window HELP command:

    Note that changes were made in version 101.5.

    On Thu, 2 Aug 2012, Yun Wang wrote:

    I know there is command "window" that can be used to adjust the window

    But how can I set the default window size ?

    • Thanks for your reply, Arthur.

      My apology that I didn't make myself clear in my last email.

      My purpose is to change the default window size which is window 1 and then
      save it, so

      when I exit sac and come back in, I will have the window size I want.



      On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 5:05 PM, Arthur Snoke <snoke<at>> wrote:

      Look at the window HELP command:**

      Note that changes were made in version 101.5.

      On Thu, 2 Aug 2012, Yun Wang wrote:

      I know there is command "window" that can be used to adjust the window

      But how can I set the default window size ?

      • Milton Plasencia
        2012-08-03 15:08:22

        Hi Yun,

        You can do it as follow:
        1) In your directory (e.g macros in the sac distribution) generate a
        file sac.ini ( for example)
        here add the follow line:
        window 1 x 0.05 0.95 y 0.15 0.95
        save and close file.

        2) Create an alias in your system:
        alias sac='/Users/milton/Soft/sac/bin/sac
        Obviously change the dir tree according your path and then sourcing it.

        Ypu can include other commands in the sac.ini file for initialization
        your sac session
        qdp off etc

        OK, HTH,



        Dipartimento Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche
        Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - OGS

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        Tel: +39-040-2140136
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        E-mail: mplasencia<at>

        ASAIN (Antarctic Seismographic Argentinean Italian Network)

        Quoting "Yun Wang" <nubeyun<at>>:

        Thanks for your reply, Arthur.

        My apology that I didn't make myself clear in my last email.

        My purpose is to change the default window size which is window 1 and then
        save it, so

        when I exit sac and come back in, I will have the window size I want.



        On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 5:05 PM, Arthur Snoke <snoke<at>> wrote:

        Look at the window HELP command:**

        Note that changes were made in version 101.5.

        On Thu, 2 Aug 2012, Yun Wang wrote:

        I know there is command "window" that can be used to adjust the window

        But how can I set the default window size ?

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