Thread: Installing SAC 102.0 on Ubuntu 20.04

Started: 2022-08-22 13:29:39
Last activity: 2022-08-22 15:12:22
Topics: SAC Help
Jackson, Ethan
2022-08-22 13:29:39
Dear SAC help, I am a student IT technician in my University's College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology and I am trying to install SAC for a faculty member here in the college. Currently, we have been trying to install SAC 102.0 on a PC running Ubuntu 20.04, however none of the people in my office (including myself) have any experience installing custom software using Linux commands and using the Linux environment. This may be a shot in the dark, but we were hoping to find guidance/specific instructions on how to correctly install the software, as we have had no luck in over a week working on this issue. Any tips, hints, or instructions regarding this would be extremely helpful.

  • Emily Wolin
    2022-08-22 15:12:22
    Hi Ethan,
    This may be a bit out of date - I haven't tried installing SAC 102.0 on
    Ubuntu 20.04, and I see there have been some major new additions in 102.0.
    But in case it's helpful, here are step-by-step instructions that were
    working for installing 101.6a on Ubuntu 18.04 and 16.04 back in 2019.
    These instructions assume you want SAC installed in $HOME/code.
    Good luck!


    Install general build dependencies and other useful stuff first:
    sudo apt-get install build-essential
    sudo apt-get install vim

    SAC (version 101.6a as of March 2019)
    Install dependencies
    sudo apt-get install ncurses-dev
    sudo apt-get install libx11-dev

    Get source code
    Request Linux source from
    Download and move sac-101.6a-source.tar.gz from Downloads to ~/code
    (remember to mkdir code if it doesn't exist already)

    Extract source:
    tar xzvf sac-101.6a-source.tar.gz

    This will create a directory called sac-101.6a. cd into it:
    cd ~/code/sac-101.6a

    Make install scripts executable
    chmod +x configure
    chmod +x config/install-sh

    Build from source
    NOTE! If you see "error: c++ cannot make executables": make sure you have
    sudo apt-get install build-essential
    sudo make install

    Set up startup macro
    mkdir ~/code/sacmacros
    cd ~/code/sacmacros
    Create file init.m in directory ~/code/sacmacros with your favorite text
    (gedit, vim, anything that makes a plain text file)
    Enter these commands into init.m and save the file (replace YOURUSERNAME
    with your username):
    qdp off
    color on i on
    setmacro /home/YOURUSERNAME/code/sacmacros

    Set up shell environment
    Add these 3 lines to ~/.bashrc:
    export SACHOME=/usr/local/sac
    . ${SACHOME}/bin/
    alias 'sac=$SACHOME/bin/sac $HOME/code/sacmacros/init.m'

    Confirm successful SAC installation
    Open a *NEW* Terminal window
    fg seismo
    This should open a window with an example seismogram in it. Type q to quit.

    On Mon, Aug 22, 2022 at 11:29 AM Jackson, Ethan (via IRIS) <
    sac-help-bounce<at>> wrote:

    Dear SAC help, I am a student IT technician in my University’s College of
    Engineering, Architecture, and Technology and I am trying to install SAC
    for a faculty member here in the college. Currently, we have been trying to
    install SAC 102.0 on a PC running Ubuntu 20.04, however none of the people
    in my office (including myself) have any experience installing custom
    software using Linux commands and using the Linux environment. This may be
    a shot in the dark, but we were hoping to find guidance/specific
    instructions on how to correctly install the software, as we have had no
    luck in over a week working on this issue. Any tips, hints, or instructions
    regarding this would be extremely helpful.

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