2022-09-27 15:30:08
Good morning all,
Mladen Dordevic (IRIS) and I have a new version of the Symbols web-based tool for Google Earth (GE) that uses XLS files downloaded from StraboSpot. Symbols uploads an XLS file with StraboSpot point data, and outputs a KML file with 3D orientation symbols (bedding, foliation, lineation) positioned above the GE surface. There are a variety of options available to the user to customize the appearance of the symbology (size, color, etc.), including an option to query elevations from the Google Maps API if the user has a Google Maps API key (thus resolving the problem of the Google Earth DEM not matching altitudes recorded by the GPS in the StraboSpot app). Below, I have attached an image of field data collected at a location in western Ireland as well as a screen capture image that shows the Symbols for StraboSpot tool. The Symbols for StraboSpot tool is available at the webpage below:
You can also reach it via my website (Whitmeyer.orghttps://www.whitmeyer.org/), and an Instructions file is available here: https://educ.jmu.edu/~whitmesj/GEODE/Symbols_Instructions.pdf.
For those of you that are interested, we would appreciate receiving feedback on the Symbols tool. Our students used the Symbols tool this past summer to create their digital geologic maps in Google Earth (Instructions here: https://educ.jmu.edu/~whitmesj/GEODE/Creating_GE_Geologic_Maps.pdf). We have ironed out many of the bugs, but I am sure there are still things to fine tune.
Cheers – Steve Whitmeyer
[A picture containing text, sky, ground, outdoor Description automatically generated] [Graphical user interface Description automatically generated with medium confidence]
Steven J. Whitmeyer
Associate Dean, College of Science and Mathematics
Professor, Geology and Environmental Science
James Madison University
Mladen Dordevic (IRIS) and I have a new version of the Symbols web-based tool for Google Earth (GE) that uses XLS files downloaded from StraboSpot. Symbols uploads an XLS file with StraboSpot point data, and outputs a KML file with 3D orientation symbols (bedding, foliation, lineation) positioned above the GE surface. There are a variety of options available to the user to customize the appearance of the symbology (size, color, etc.), including an option to query elevations from the Google Maps API if the user has a Google Maps API key (thus resolving the problem of the Google Earth DEM not matching altitudes recorded by the GPS in the StraboSpot app). Below, I have attached an image of field data collected at a location in western Ireland as well as a screen capture image that shows the Symbols for StraboSpot tool. The Symbols for StraboSpot tool is available at the webpage below:
You can also reach it via my website (Whitmeyer.orghttps://www.whitmeyer.org/), and an Instructions file is available here: https://educ.jmu.edu/~whitmesj/GEODE/Symbols_Instructions.pdf.
For those of you that are interested, we would appreciate receiving feedback on the Symbols tool. Our students used the Symbols tool this past summer to create their digital geologic maps in Google Earth (Instructions here: https://educ.jmu.edu/~whitmesj/GEODE/Creating_GE_Geologic_Maps.pdf). We have ironed out many of the bugs, but I am sure there are still things to fine tune.
Cheers – Steve Whitmeyer
[A picture containing text, sky, ground, outdoor Description automatically generated] [Graphical user interface Description automatically generated with medium confidence]
Steven J. Whitmeyer
Associate Dean, College of Science and Mathematics
Professor, Geology and Environmental Science
James Madison University