Thread: Hardware Engineer (x2)

Started: 2022-10-06 20:32:15
Last activity: 2022-10-06 20:32:15
Bruce Beaudoin
2022-10-06 20:32:15
Institution: IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center
Open Until: 2023-01-31

The IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center at New Mexico Tech seeks two engineers to join our hardware team, supporting the development of innovative solutions for testing equipment and supporting PASSCAL projects, both internally and in the field.

Core responsibilities are to support routine testing of PASSCAL equipment and supporting PASSCAL engineering projects primarily in the lab and in the field as needed. Duties include: Routine testing of PASSCAL’s pooled hardware, research new products, materials and technologies that could advance the equipment pools and optimize support for PI experiments; test, develop and apply methods for testing seismic instrumentation and ancillary scientific equipment; development of specialized equipment to support geophysical installations in all environments; produce reports and maintain documentation and web content related to testing of scientific equipment; and as appropriate, field support of seismic experiments.

Bachelor’s degree required in Engineering OR five (5) years directly applicable experience. Demonstrated electrical and/or mechanical engineering design capabilities required. Working knowledge of DC power systems required. Familiarity with time series data formats required. Proficient in electrical or mechanical engineering required. Able to analyze data logger and power system performance required. Proficient in technical writing and communication of technical concepts required. Proficient with CAD and modeling software tools desired. Working knowledge of RF systems and components desired. Working knowledge of seismometers or scientific grade sensors desired. Advanced knowledge of data loggers and analog to digital conversion desired. Advanced knowledge of Telemetry systems desired. Field experience in a mixture of locations, including very remote areas desired. Proficient in programming and scripting for device automation desired. Must be able to obtain a valid passport and Driver’s License.

Apply to: nmtjobapps<at> OR NMT/ HR 801 Leroy Place Box 079, Socorro, NM 87801
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