Thread: AGU Hybrid Workshop: "Porting Machine Learning and Modeling from a Laptop to a Supercomputer"

Started: 2022-11-07 23:14:38
Last activity: 2022-11-07 23:14:38
Topics: AGU Meetings
Dear Colleagues

We wish to bring to your attention the upcoming hybrid
scientific workshop titled "SCIWS26: Porting Machine Learning and Modeling
from a Laptop to a Supercomputer" that will happen on Sunday December 11,
from 8am to 4pm at McCormick Place, S102ab.

This is a follow up of three previous workshops on Machine Learning,
Programming and High Performance Computer held in 2018, 2019 and 2021.
These events have highlighted that many geoscientists have learned to use
Machine Learning (ML) algorithms and to manipulate large data collections
on their personal computing machines, sometimes with the support of GPU
based accelerators. This workshop targets student, young and experienced
researchers, in fields across Atmospheric, Ocean, Interiors and Planetary
AGU disciplines, and want to learn how to port it on a supercomputing
machine and use cloud infrastructure, which will be fundamental in the
coming decade, when data driven science will be central in all natural

Speakers and tutorial teachers will be from both academic (University,
National Labs) and private (NVIDIA, Google) environments. This will help in
particular students and young scientists to learn to navigate the more and
more porous boundary between private and public research in big data,
artificial intelligence and high performance computing.

The workshop program, with talks which will alternate between in person and
remote speakers, will be:

8 AM: Introduction by *Gabriele Morra (U. of Louisiana Lafayette)* and *Dave
Yuen (Columbia) *on the "Purpose of the Workshop"

8.10 AM: *Henry Tufo (UC at Boulder):* "Current state of 2022 exa-scale and
how this will impact all the way down to laptop and even 5G phone" by (40
minutes + 10 minutes discussion)

9 AM: *Peter Mora (KFUPM) and Gabriele Morra (ULL)* on "Lattice Boltzmann
Method for High Performance Computing" (Shared talk. 50 minutes + 10
minutes discussion)

10 AM: Coffee break (15 minutes)

10:15 *Kyle Mandli (Columbia)* "Tsunami and role of HPC in Hurricane
modelling" (30 minutes talk + 5 minutes discussion)

10:50: *Michael C. Gurnis (Caltech)* "Inference of plate boundary stresses
and mantle rheology using adjoints" (30 minutes talk + 5 minutes discussion)

11: 25: *Ludovic Raess (ETH Zurich)* "Using Julia and GPU programming for
numerical modeling" (30 minutes talk + 5 minutes discussion)

12 PM: Lunch break (30 minutes)

12:30 PM: *Michael Puthawala (South Dakota State)* "Theoretical Deep
learning" (25 minutes + 5 minutes discussion)

1.00 PM: *Jim Greensky (Intel corp.) *"Chips on AI and High Performance
Computing" (15 minutes + 5 minutes discussion)

1.20: *Zili Zhou (Apple Research Lab)*, "Apple augmented reality and
Tsunami wave visualization" (15 minutes + 5 minutes discussion)

1.40 PM: *Evan Bollig (Amazon)*, "Cloud Computing and High Performance
Computing" (15 minutes + 5 minutes discussion)

2 PM: *Matt Knepley (SUNY Buffalo)* "PETSc and its use for High Performance
Computing" (25 minutes talk + 5 minutes discussion)

2:30 PM coffee break 15 minutes

2:30 PM - 4 PM: Talks on applications in Earth systems, Geophysics,
Confirmed speakers: *Peter Gerstoft (UC San Diego)* "Physics-informed
probability graphical models" (20 minutes + 5 minutes discussion)
And more speakers, followed by a Panel Discussion. Panelists: David Yuen,
Matt Knepley, Michael Gurnis, Jim Greensky, Thomas Ruwart

-- 4 PM End of workshop

The workshop will have an informal follow up at a close by bar and a Group
Dinner at 6:15 PM at a place to TBD.

For more information, please contact us at
Gabriele Morra (gabrielemorra<at> or
Dave Yuen (daveyuen<at>

Best regards
Gabriele Morra and Dave Yuen

Gabriele Morra
Associate Professor
Department of Physics and School of
Hensarling/Chapman Endowed Professorship in Geology
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Co-Editor in Chief of *Artificial Intelligence in Geosciences*

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