Thread: ISPAQ version 3.1.0 released

Started: 2022-12-08 11:28:46
Last activity: 2022-12-08 11:28:46
Gillian Sharer
2022-12-08 11:28:46
We are pleased to announce the release of ISPAQ version 3.1.0, available at

ISPAQ is a command line application that enables you to calculate quality
metrics for seismic data locally, by leveraging MUSTANG R-code within a
Python client. Over 40 MUSTANG metrics can be calculated for either local
miniSEED files or for data available through any Data Center that supports
FDSN web services. These metrics include basic trace statistics, metrics
based on miniSEED state-of-health flags (if available), metrics based on
event arrivals, Power Spectral Densities (PSDs), Probability Density
Functions (PDFs), and metrics derived from PSDs. All results are computed
and stored on the user's local machine.

Improvements and changes for this release include:

* addition of --sds argument for specifying Seiscomp SDS file naming

* bug fix for FDSN station web services that do not support optional
parameter includerestricted

* bug fix for reading local files for event metrics that span day

* bug fix, will not append to TRANSCRIPT log unless '-A' option specified

* bug fix, sort out-of-order miniseed segments when reading

* recommends creating conda environment using obspy 1.4.0

Best regards,

Gillian Sharer

IRIS Quality Assurance

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