Thread: Annual Earthquake Hazards Grant Application Period Open

Started: 2023-03-16 12:23:19
Last activity: 2023-03-16 12:23:19
Topics: AGU Meetings
McCray-Skinner, Deborah
2023-03-16 12:23:19

USGS Seeks Earthquake Hazards Research Proposals

                        Application Deadline May 24, 2023

March 15, 2023

Contact: Jill Franks, Associate Coordinator for External Research, Earthquake Hazards Program, jfranks<at>; 

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is currently soliciting project proposals for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 grants on earthquake hazards science and is authorized to award up to $7 million. Interested researchers can apply online at GRANTS.GOV under funding Opportunity Number G24AS00292. Note that all proposals submitted to the FY24 open application period are now limited to 15 pages, maximum. Please review the application instructions found in the GRANTS.GOV solicitation for more information.

The grants offered through the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program (EHP) are a long-standing effort that contributes to the advancement of earthquake research. The Earthquake Hazards Program encourages submission of new ideas that will provide more timely and accurate earthquake information, better characterization of earthquake sources, and a reduction in uncertainty for earthquake-hazard and risk assessments.  USGS also seeks proposals that will help to mitigate earthquake losses and better inform the public about earthquakes and earthquake safety, such as earthquake early warning or other scientific efforts that will lead to reduced risk. The complete list of FY2024 EHP science research priorities is included in the grants solicitation found on GRANTS.GOV well as the EHP External Grants website

Every year, the USGS invites innovative earthquake research proposals from colleges and universities, state and local offices, non-profit organizations, private institutions, unaffiliated scientists, engineers, and foreign organizations. Past funded grants projects include:

* Exploration of the use of Distributed Acoustic Sensing for earthquake early warning;

* Regionalization of earthquake source and ground motion models for subduction interface earthquakes;

* Building a multi-decadal Machine-Learning-based earthquake catalog for Northern California;

* Detection Thresholds for Large to Great Subduction Earthquakes in the Alaska Subduction Zone;

* Including CyberShake 3-D simulations into non-ergodic ground motion models for the Los Angeles region; and

* Determining GNSS strain rate and uncertainity in low strain rate regions, with application for the New Madrid Seismic Zone and Northeastern Oklahoma.

A complete list of previously funded projects and reports can be found on the USGS EHP external research support website.

Thank you,
Deborah McCray-Skinner
Program Analyst-USGS-DOI
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS-905
Reston, VA 20192

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