Thread: Gaps in Miniseed

Started: 2013-05-21 23:35:46
Last activity: 2013-05-22 07:11:23
Topics: SAC Help
Blaine Bockholt
2013-05-21 23:35:46
I am downloading data from from the IRIS DMC in miniseed format. When I convert from mseed to SAC, there are a number of the sac files which have overlapping sections and therefore sac does not allow me to merge the files. Is there a way to merge the files within the miniseed file so when I convert to SAC, all the overlaps and gaps are filled? Thanks.


  • George Helffrich
    2013-05-22 07:11:23
    Dear Blaine -

    This sounds strange and might be a problem with your mseed converter. You might be mixing data from different location codes at the same site (different sensors at the same location) that are blocked differently in the mseed data streams. That might explain overlaps. Check the location ID to verify.

    You might also be mixing different QCd streams. Check the mseed record type field for codes D, R, M, Q that flag different data flow stages, and use the appropriate one for your needs. You might be mixing more than one.

    If the overlaps are real, then use CUT to set a cut at the end of the previous data before reading/merging the next segment. Then set up a new CUT for the next segment based on the last sample, etc. etc. etc.

    On 21 May 2013, at 17:35, Blaine Bockholt (bbckholt) wrote:

    I am downloading data from from the IRIS DMC in miniseed format. When I convert from mseed to SAC, there are a number of the sac files which have overlapping sections and therefore sac does not allow me to merge the files. Is there a way to merge the files within the miniseed file so when I convert to SAC, all the overlaps and gaps are filled? Thanks.

    sac-help mailing list

    George Helffrich

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