Distributed Acoustic Sensing

Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) is a potentially transformative technology in the geosciences and engineering. The rapidly increasing interest in DAS arises from its use in continuous arrays that can be kilometers in length while providing spatial resolution of meters and frequency response from millihertz to kilohertz. This mailing list provides a forum for discussion on all topics related to DAS technology including: applications, installation, data acquisition, handling and processing of data, engineering and scientific technical development, and advertisement of upcoming events, workshops, meetings, or other opportunities in the DAS community.

For more information on the Distribution Acoustic Sensing Research Coordination Network, please go to: https://www.iris.edu/hq/initiatives/das_rcn

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kasey.aderhold@iris.edu, Herb Wang
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Active Message Threads for June 2020

2020-06-19 21:20:58
The Air Force Research Laboratory has announced (https://beta.sam.gov/opp/1582820eeae64ae0a0b03c4f9e20799c/view) a Request for Information that is intended to help the Nuclear Explosion Monitoring program formulate plans to carry out a broad range of coordinated fundamental and advanced research that will accelerate development of decisive mission capabilities in geospace awareness through development of new algorithms to process data from seismic Distributed Acoustic Sensing systems to detect,… [more]
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The Geophysics Department at Sandia National Laboratories is looking for a post-doctoral researcher for a three-year project exploring the Arctic Ocean environment using distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) on seafloor fiber-optic cable. We are acquiring DAS data off the north coast of Alaska over multiple years to better understand ocean cryospheric processes. Expected signals of interest include, but are not limited to, icequakes, ocean waves, storms, tides, and whale vocalizations. In addition… [more]
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Zhongwen Zhan
2020-06-02 17:15:53
Zhongwen Zhan’s group at the Caltech Seismological Laboratory is seeking applicants for a post-doctoral research position in seismology to work on Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS). We are now operating multiple DAS arrays in southern California and have new ones in plan over the next two years. The focus of the position will be using the rapidly growing DAS dataset to attack important science questions, broadly defined (Zhan, 2020). Interests in applying DAS to new frontiers (e.g., volcanolog… [more]
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