Distributed Acoustic Sensing

Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) is a potentially transformative technology in the geosciences and engineering. The rapidly increasing interest in DAS arises from its use in continuous arrays that can be kilometers in length while providing spatial resolution of meters and frequency response from millihertz to kilohertz. This mailing list provides a forum for discussion on all topics related to DAS technology including: applications, installation, data acquisition, handling and processing of data, engineering and scientific technical development, and advertisement of upcoming events, workshops, meetings, or other opportunities in the DAS community.

For more information on the Distribution Acoustic Sensing Research Coordination Network, please go to: https://www.iris.edu/hq/initiatives/das_rcn

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Moderated by
kasey.aderhold@iris.edu, Herb Wang
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Active Message Threads for May 2021

Please join us for the Distributed Acoustic Sensing: Scientific Frontiers and Community Needs workshop Aug. 13, 2021 from 11 am - 3 pm ET as part of the 2021 GAGE/SAGE Workshop. We are seeking submissions for pre-recorded lightning talks and a few selected full-length talks. We especially encourage those talks that highlight: - Low-frequency DAS and geomechanics observations - Environmental seismology - Infrastructure, engineering, near surface applications - Cryosp… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please join us for a virtual panel discussion on *Wednesday, 26 May 2021* at 11 am Eastern Time: *Surface process applications of environmental seismology and distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) Q&A* A panel discussion on opportunities and needs related to the use of seismic and distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) instruments in monitoring, detecting and characterizing surface processes and materials. Panelists will describe potential opportunities in the application of these g… [more]
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Please join us on *Thursday, June 17th at 12:30-2:00 PM Eastern* for… *Machine Learning for DAS Data Analysis* *Register*: *https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rrf3Id3ORMWmPRMHI7HXCQ <https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rrf3Id3ORMWmPRMHI7HXCQ>* This webinar will feature the following four presentations: - *Dr. Whitney Trainor-Guitton* (Colorado School of Mines), “Machine learning is driving a revolution in seismic ‘listening’ for geoscience”, I will describe our working group’s sy… [more]
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The DAS RCN webinar "Distributed Acoustic Sensing and Engineering" was held on May 19, 2021 and a recording is now available at: https://youtu.be/vWWVpO47KdI. Thank you again to our presenters, Dr. Meghan Quinn and Peter Hubbard, and our moderator, Dr. Dante Fratta. If you are interested in joining the DAS RCN working group on engineering, please get in touch with Dr. Fratta at fratta@wisc.edu. Our next webinar in the DAS RCN series will be *Machine Learning for DAS Data Analysis on June 17, … [more]
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Please join us on *Wednesday, May 19th* *at 12:30-2:00 PM Eastern* for… *Distributed Acoustic Sensing and Engineering* Moderated by: Dr. Dante Fratta, U of Wisconsin *Register:* https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Xf9ngEzBS1WUsSHoUU-Kvw *Distributed acoustic sensing: on-going research and data visualizationPresented by: Meghan Quinn, P.E. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers* Use of distributed acoustic sensing is increasing in geophysics and civil engineering communities. While rapid improvement… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please join us for a virtual panel discussion on *Wednesday, 26 May 2021 at 11 am Eastern Time*: *Surface process applications of environmental seismology and distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) Q&A*A panel discussion on opportunities and needs related to the use of seismic and distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) instruments in monitoring, detecting and characterizing surface processes and materials. Panelists will describe potential opportunities in the application of these g… [more]
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Hello NORSAR offers a 2 year PostDoc position that may be interesting for some in this mailing list: https://www.norsar.no/about-us/careers/position-within-fibre-optic-sensing-of-earthquakes-and-geohazards Please share with potential candidates Andreas Dr Andreas Wuestefeld Technology Lead - Fiber Optics ________________________________ [norsar] Gunnar Randers vei 15 PO Box 53, N-2007 Kjeller Mobile: +47 47 66 79 28 Email: andreasw@norsar.no <mailto:andreasw@norsar.no> LinkedIn: no.linked… [more]
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Please join us on *Wednesday, May 19th* *at 12:30-2:00 PM Eastern* for… *Distributed Acoustic Sensing and Engineering* Moderated by: Dr. Dante Fratta, U of Wisconsin *Register:* https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Xf9ngEzBS1WUsSHoUU-Kvw *Distributed acoustic sensing: on-going research and data visualizationPresented by: Meghan Quinn, P.E. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers* Use of distributed acoustic sensing is increasing in geophysics and civil engineering communities. While rapid improvement… [more]
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Dear Friends and Colleagues, We are organizing the “*Distributed Fiber-Optic Sensing in Applied Geophysics *” Postconvention Workshop for this year’s SEG Annual Meeting in Denver, CO. (https://seg.org/AM/event/detail/workshops). The workshop will contain two half-day sections: W-2 on Thursday (Sep 30th) morning and W-10 on Friday (Oct 1st) morning. We would like to invite you, or someone else from your organization, to consider presenting your work on Distributed Fiber-Optic Sensing (DFOS)… [more]
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