IRIS General Announcements

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Active Message Threads for April 2018

MENTOR APPLICATIONS DUE MAY 1! The FieldXP program pairs undergraduate students looking for a field experience with geoscience researchers who need assistance in the field. IRIS will provide up to $1000 of support for students to assist with travel and field logistics. The program is designed to increase awareness of and encourage participation in short-duration field experiences for undergraduate students who may have an interest in geoscience but have never taken a course or participated in… [more]
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NSF recently issued a Dear Colleague Letter ( <>) describing plans to divest its ownership of the seismic ship R/V Langseth no later than mid-2020, and to stop accepting proposals for marine active source seismic work except in the case of partnerships with industry or other countries. The IRIS Board of Directors is concerned about the implications of this decision for a … [more]
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Katrin Hafner
2018-04-26 17:33:23
We are pleased to announce that immediately following the close of the 2018 IRIS workshop a tour of the following two facilities:      USGS Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory (ASL)      Facility for Acceptance, Calibration and Testing (FACT) at SANDIA will be offered. *Date and Location:*         Thursday, June 14, 2018, 1pm-4:30pm         Albuquerque Seismological Lab and FACT Site both at Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM         Transportation will be provided to and from the worksh… [more]
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Beth Bartel
2018-04-24 23:41:05
Please join us for a Science Communication short course the day before the IRIS Workshop! **IRIS EPO will cover the cost of dinner and lodging on June 11th (at the conference hotel) for all Science Communication Short Course participants! ABSTRACT - This workshop style short course takes a hands-on approach to learning the tricks of science communication, focusing on effective networking. We will work on perfecting your "elevator speech" for different audiences, learning how to use s… [more]
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Attending the IRIS Workshop? Please consider adding the Mini-Workshop on the SZ4D Initiative to your plans. It will be held before the main Workshop on Monday afternoon, to facilitate participation if you make travel plans to arrive in the morning, or are going on the morning field trip to Tent Rocks. Participation is free and open to all, but pre-registration is required. To register, please use this form: Mini-Workshop on the SZ4D Initiative and … [more]
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Gale Cox
2018-04-13 21:21:40
IRIS Data Services will conduct a short course on Tuesday evening June 12, 2018 in conjunction with the IRIS workshop in Albuquerque, NM. It will held from 6-8 PM. The discussion will be informal but we will demonstrate and discuss a variety of topics including: • Research Ready Data Sets: making requests for data match to quality constraints • Data Center Federation: Seamless Access to FDSN data centers: tapping into global data resources • Robust Retrieval of Data from the IRIS-DMC • Dat… [more]
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Wendy Clarey
2018-04-09 16:34:32
Students/Postdocs interested in receiving travel support to attend the upcoming IRIS Workshop in Albuquerque are encouraged to submit a student scholarship application. Selected applicants will receive three (3) nights double-occupancy lodging, and up to $500 for allowable travel costs. Scholarship applicants are still required to pay the $133 registration fee. You will need to submit all travel for reimbursement, excluding the hotel which will be booked for you. If you apply for the scholarsh… [more]
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Wendy Clarey
2018-04-02 14:53:51
Do you need help in the field this summer? The FieldXP program pairs undergraduate students looking for a field experience with geoscience researchers who need assistance in the field. IRIS will provide up to $1000 of support for students to assist with travel and field logistics. Apply now!! If you have any questions please email
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