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Active Message Threads for February 2019

This year, IRIS and UNAVCO are hosting a joint workshop from *Wednesday - Friday, October 9-11th* in *Portland, Oregon*. This year's science theme is *Earth in 4D: Bridging the Timescales in Dynamic Earth Processes* We look forward to seeing you in October! On behalf of the 2019 IRIS/UNAVCO Joint Science Coordination Committee - Bill Barnhart, University of Iowa - Colleen Dalton, Brown University - Donna Shillington, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory - Cliff Thurber, University o… [more]
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Friday, March 1st is the deadline for providing input to the National Research Council “decadal” study on Catalyzing Opportunities for Research in the Earth Sciences (CORES) for NSF’s Division of Earth Sciences. If you haven’t responded to the questionnaire on the CORES website yet, I strongly encourage you to do so. The number of submissions the committee receives from different sub-fields of Earth science may well influence the priority the committee assigns to these different research area… [more]
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Apply by February 15, 2019, 11:59 PM Eastern Time at To encourage collaborative research between IRIS member institutions and international partners, we invite international undergraduate students and potential U.S.-based hosts to apply for internships to perform seismological research relating to geological hazards. This program aims to create new research and educational opportunities for international undergraduates and to cultivate lon… [more]
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Michael Hubenthal
2019-02-05 23:10:19
Are you looking for a new graduate student? Have a project that would be ideal for a talented undergraduate? The IRIS undergraduate internship program is a great place to find talented, highly-motivated undergraduate students eager to explore geophysics opportunities and are seriously considering graduate school. All are ready to benefit from your experience, expertise, network, and and support. Thus, the program is seeking faculty with defined projects to become mentors to work with these… [more]
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Dear IRIS Early Career Colleagues, The National Research Council of the National Academies is conducting a “decadal” study on Catalyzing Opportunities for Research in the Earth Sciences (CORES) for NSF’s Division of Earth Sciences. The purpose of the CORES study is to: (1) identify a concise set of high-priority scientific questions for the next decade, (2) assess infrastructure needed to address these questions, and (3) determine opportunities for greater collaboration with other NSF division… [more]
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