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Active Message Threads for November 2022

Scott Johnson
2022-11-08 08:05:56
*Joining Forces* [image: Please join us for the EarthScope Consortium reception. When: Monday, December 12, 6:30-8pm. Where: Hyatt Regency McCormick Place, Prairie Room (2nd Floor). What: Remarks at 7 followed by a raffle of EarthScope gear] What are we celebrating? Just as IRIS and UNAVCO collaborated on the 2003-2018 EarthScope Project, the new organization formed by their merger supports science that benefits from geophysical data. It is continuing to operate both NSF’s GAGE and SAGE Facil… [more]
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Dear all: GEOS 626/426 will be offered as a 4-credit course at University of Alaska Fairbanks for spring semester 2023 (Jan 17 to April 30). The course will be hybrid/live, with some students via zoom and others in person. The work environment for labs and homework will be JupyterLab (Python), run on Amazon Web Services (via OpenSARlab), and these lab costs are sponsored (and free to students). For details on the course, including the scheduled days/times and the costs, please check out the … [more]
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SZ4D Office
2022-11-07 14:55:39
Dear Colleagues, We at the Subduction Zones in 4 Dimensions (SZ4D <>) initiative are extremely excited to share with you the SZ4D Implementation Plan. The SZ4D is a community-driven, multidecadal, interdisciplinary scientific initiative that strives to understand how the different components of subduction zone systems interact to produce and magnify geohazards over time. The Implementation Plan articulates a cogent and forward-looking vision for the future of subduction-zone… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, (sorry for cross-posting) We draw our attention to the abstract submission deadline: 20 November 2022 Manuscript submission is now open for a new article collection I am co-editing on "Challenges in Seismology to Our Understanding of Volcanic Islands and Their Magmatic Unrest". On behalf of the editorial team, we would like to consider including a paper from you in this collection - if you would like to contribute, you can register your interest in the link below my signatur… [more]
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2022-11-03 15:35:49
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Subduction Zone Science working group is hosting an in-person subduction zone science workshop at the University of Washington from January 10-11, 2023. Registration is now open (! Please register by midnight MT on November 23rd if you would like to present a short-from talk or poster, or attend the workshop. Workshop themes align with three USGS subduction zone science priorities: 1)… [more]
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Andrew Lloyd
2022-11-02 10:47:12
Dear all, A training school on glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) modelling will be held from 3-7 July 2023 at Lantmäteriet, Gävle, Sweden. The program will include lectures and practical exercises aimed at investigating the interactions between solid Earth deformation, ice mass change, and associated sea-level and geoid variations, and a 1 day field trip to examine records of land uplift and sea level change. The course is targeted at individuals who are working on (or will soon start work… [more]
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