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Active Message Threads for May 2016

Visiting Assistant Professor UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH The Department of Geology and Environmental Science ( at the University of Pittsburgh invites applications for a full-time visiting assistant professor position beginning in the Fall of 2016. The position is outside of the tenure stream. The successful candidate will be expected to teach both undergraduate curriculum courses including The Planets, as well as possible graduate courses such as Volcanology, Te… [more]
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Forwarded on behalf of: Valerie Thomas USGS ----------------------------- The USGS Earthquake Science Center (Menlo Park, Pasadena, and Seattle Offices) are hiring IT Specialists to support the mission of the Earthquake Early Warning Project. The USGS is seeking IT professionals with experience and skill operating and maintaining software, hardware, and operating systems in a Linux environment. Applicants who have experience with Linux operating systems, modern code … [more]
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Forwarded on behalf of: Keith Koper University of Utah ------------------ The University of Utah Seismograph Stations (UUSS, invites applications for a one-year appointment as Postdoctoral Research Associate in Earthquake Seismology. The successful applicant will work with UUSS faculty, staff, and students on problems of earthquake detection, location, and characterization in the Intermountain West. Potential research topics include (1) application of tem… [more]
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IRIS Webmaster
2016-05-25 22:49:59
Forwarded on behalf of: Marcos Alvarez U.S. Geological Survey -------------------- The USGS Earthquake Science Center in Pasadena are hiring two Electronics Technicians to support the Southern California Seismic Network. The USGS is seeking Electronics Technicians with experience and skill operating and maintaining sophisticated electronic seismic, telemetry, and computer systems. The position is part of a USGS-university team that operates and maintains over 300 … [more]
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IRIS Webmaster
2016-05-19 19:02:09
Forwarded on behalf of: Jason Hebert IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center -------------------- The IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center at New Mexico Tech is seeking applicants to fill the position of Staff Scientist/Polar Projects Field Engineer. Primary responsibility is to support Polar research both in the field and in the lab. Duties include: scheduling, preparing, and shipping equipment; field support both in the Arctic and Antarctic; development of specialized equipment for … [more]
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Forwarded on behalf of: Lara Wagner Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution for Science -------------------- The Department of Terrestrial Magnetism (DTM) at the Carnegie Institution for Science seeks applicants for the position of Staff Scientist in the broad categories of geophysics, geochemistry, and/or cosmochemistry. We are particularly interested in innovative researchers whose observations help to constrain the role of fluids (e.g., water, o… [more]
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IRIS Webmaster
2016-05-17 00:15:31
Forwarded on behalf of: Natalia Ruppert University of Alaska Fairbanks -------------------- The Alaska Earthquake Center, located at the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, is in charge of monitoring earthquakes in mainland Alaska and the Aleutian Islands. Center personnel advise state and federal government on seismic hazards and educate residents about earthquakes throughout Alaska, the most seismically active state in the nation. We are currentl… [more]
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IRIS Webmaster
2016-05-12 17:43:37
Forwarded on behalf of: Hanako Ihara Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology -------------------- JAMSTEC is recruiting a total of 1 tenure-track position as a Scientist or Technical Scientist at Fault Mechanics Research Group, Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research (KOCHI). Job Specification The Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research of the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) has one opening for a full-time tenure-trac… [more]
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IRIS Webmaster
2016-05-12 17:38:40
Forwarded on behalf of: Clifford Thurber University of Wisconsin-Madison -------------------- A research position in seismology is available in the Department of Geoscience at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, beginning in summer or fall 2016. The position is a full-time 1-year appointment, with the opportunity of continuation, as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate. The successful applicant will participate in two or more projects involving ambient noise and s… [more]
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Forwarded on behalf of: Julie D. Lawrence ENSCO, Inc. -------------------- ENSCO’s National Security Solutions (NSS) Division provides security solutions for the United States government. NSS employees offer a multi-disciplinary approach to solve some of the most challenging technical problems in complex operational environments. Our areas of expertise are in sensor development and integration; chemical, biological and geophysical phenomenology; software applications a… [more]
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IRIS Webmaster
2016-05-10 17:48:57
Forwarded on behalf of: Valerie Thomas Caltech Seismological Lab --------------------- The USGS Earthquake Science Center office in Menlo Park, CA is looking for a System Administrator for Unix, Linux, Apple and Windows systems. As an Information Technology Specialist (SYSADMIN), GS-2210-11 the incumbent will: Manage systems resources including performance, capacity, availability, serviceability, and recoverability; Perform equipment/software installation and mainten… [more]
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IRIS Webmaster
2016-05-06 17:18:44
Forwarded on behalf of: Brandon Schmandt University of New Mexico -------------------- A postdoctoral position in seismology is available at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. The initial appointment would be for one year with opportunity to extend for a second year. There are multiple possible research directions involving dense array studies of sources and structure near Mount St. Helens, potentially induced seismicity in the Raton Basin, and regional-to-con… [more]
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Forwarded on behalf of: Roel Snieder Colorado School of Mines -------------------- The Department of Geophysics at Colorado School of Mines (Mines) is seeking a dynamic and enthusiastic leader to head the Department. The successful candidate will be expected to work effectively in a collaborative, interdisciplinary environment within the Department, across the Mines campus, and with external partners. The announcement for this position, and details on the application procedu… [more]
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IRIS Webmaster
2016-05-03 18:47:13
Forwarded on behalf of: Human Resources University of California San Diego -------------------- SOPAC Programmer Analyst (81557) University of California San Diego Hiring Salary Range $58,400.00 - $74,100.00 / Year Extended Deadline: Thu 5/12/2016 DESCRIPTION Programmer/Analyst for the Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center (SOPAC). SOPAC has a variety of moderately complex and complex web sites and web applications dedicated to providing comprehensive, dynamic gl… [more]
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03:03:04 v.af9cd46b