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Active Message Threads for October 2017
Hansen, Samantha
2017-10-31 23:13:46
Tenure-Track Faculty Position, Potential Fields Geophysicist - The University of Alabama Department of Geological Sciences
The Department of Geological Sciences at The University of Alabama (UA) invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in potential fields geophysics. This position will begin August 2018 and will be filled at the Assistant Professor level. Candidates who specialize in potential fields (gravity, magnetics, electricity, and/or electromagnetism), including data a…
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2017-10-28 01:48:39
Tenure-track faculty position
Assistant Professor, Shallow Environmental/Engineering Geophysics
University of Texas at El Paso
College of Science
Department of Geological Sciences
The Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) announces a tenure-track position in shallow environmental/engineering geophysics. We are particularly interested in candidates with a concentration in shallow characterization (e.g., potential fields, seismic, etc.) and/or modeling re…
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Institution: Michigan State University
Open Until: 2017-12-01
Our research group ( is looking for new PhD students to work on research topics in computational seismology, more specifically in multiscale seismic imaging and full waveform inversion related method development and applications. The qualified students should have B.S. or M.S. in geophysics, physics, applied mathematics, or computer science. Depending on their individual background, st…
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David Schmidt
2017-10-25 21:32:20
The University of Washington (UW) seeks an energetic and visionary
leader to become Director of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network
(PNSN) and contribute to ongoing, collaborative research initiatives.
The Director will advance the mission of the PNSN
( through scientific pursuits, advocacy,
and effective leadership. The tenured faculty position within the
Department of Earth & Space Science…
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Hanako Ihara
2017-10-25 02:31:46
Institution: Japan Agency For Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
Open Until: 2017-12-18
Department of Mathematical Science and Advanced Technology (MAT), JAMSTEC is soliciting applications for a Senior Scientist or Senior Technical Scientist, who will take part in the medium-term plan.
Details of the research at the Department of Mathematical Science and Advanced Technology (MAT) can be found at
[Research Description]
Development of super lar…
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John Hole
2017-10-20 14:59:09
Virginia Tech ( invites applications to join the Department of Geosciences as a tenure-track Assistant, Associate or Full Professor in the area of coastal hazards. The ideal candidate will apply field, analytical, experimental, or theoretical approaches to establish a better understanding of coastal hazards and their impacts. Successful candidates will establish a vibrant research program that is recognized for scientific excellence, attract extramural funding from multiple…
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Valerie Thomas
2017-10-18 16:15:56
*Job opportunity with the USGS!*
*Applications are due 11/3/2017!*
*The USGS Earthquake Science Center Pasadena office is hiring for the
Southern California Seismic Network*
USGS is seeking motivated candidates for a supervisory software
developer / scientist with strong software development skills for the
Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN).The SCSN software suite spans
real-time earthquake monitoring systems, rapid earthquake product
distribution systems, and near-real-tim…
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Faculty position at Cornell University
Faults, Fluids, and Fluid-Rock Interactions
The Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences (EAS) at Cornell University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position with core expertise in geological, geochemical, geophysical, or geohydrological fundamentals as applied to subsurface fluid flow, fluid-rock interaction, and/or faulting. This position is part of a multi-departmental cluster hire in subsurface energy systems. The ideal candidate w…
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*Job opportunity with the USGS!*
*Applications are due 10/20/2017!*
*The USGS Earthquake Science Center is hiring for the Northern California
Seismic Network*
The USGS is seeking motivated candidates for the operations manager of the
Northern California Seismic Network (NCSN). The NCSN consists of over 500
seismic stations in central and northern California and southern Oregon
with continuous telemetry. To record this diverse seismic data stream in
real time, the NCSN operations manager …
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Postdoctoral and graduate student opportunities are available in the
Department of Earth Sciences, at the University of Oregon, in the broad
fields of earthquake and/or tsunami science. Topics of interest include
(but are not limited to):
* Observational seismology of large events
* Modeling of large ruptures
* Modeling and observation of tsunami propagation and local effects
* Ground motion
* Tectonic geodesy
* Early warning
*Postdoc Applicants:*
- Please submit a *CV and cover letter …
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Institution: CSIRO
Open Until: 2017-10-29
The Position
Australia’s future minerals, energy and water resources will come from greater depths in the onshore regions and from deep offshore plays. Our ability to find, define and exploit mineral resources is limited by a deep and complex regolith that covers about 80% of the Australian land mass. Undiscovered conventional oil and gas lies in deeper or more subtle traps, or else will come from unconventional sources onshore that require new geophy…
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Institution: University of Colorado Boulder
Open Until: 2017-10-16
In 2014, the University of Colorado Boulder joined in a collaborative partnership with the University of California and the University of Michigan to offer postdoctoral fellowship opportunities. In this program, the University of Colorado Boulder offers postdoctoral research fellowships in all academic fields, coupled with faculty mentoring, professional development and academic networking opportunities.
The University seeks a…