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Active Message Threads for February 2018
Postdoctoral position in planetary seismology
A postdoctoral position in planetary seismology is available at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory with a focus on working on single station techniques useful for Mars, Europa, Titan, or anywhere else that we have potential for sending seismometers to other planetary bodies, as well as helping to set science requirements for future planetary seismic instruments. Candidates with expertise in seismology and seismic modeling and imaging techniques are en…
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Research Associate in Earthquake Seismology (Fixed Term)
Department of Earth Sciences - Bullard Labs
University of Cambridge
We are looking to appoint a postdoctoral research associate (PDRA) in
earthquake seismology at the University of Cambridge for a period of 18
months in order to support the Newton Institutional Links project
"Earthquake hazard mitigation in Sulawesi and Kalimantan". The PDRA will
be required to travel to Indonesia on multiple occasions in order to
build collaborativ…
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The Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) of Columbia University
invites applications for a Lamont Assistant Research Professor position
with expertise in marine geophysics. Applicants should have a strong
record of innovative research, including publications in peer-reviewed
journals, and should have demonstrated success at raising external
support for their research programs. We particularly encourage
applications from candidates whose expertise complements that of the
current resear…
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The BSL is seeking an Applications programmer who will contribute to
improving, developing and maintaining the suite of programs that support
real time earthquake reporting.
The Berkeley Seismological Laboratory, in collaboration with the US
Geological Laboratory in Menlo Park, operates seismic networks in northern
California that provide rapid earthquake information to the state,
emergency response organizations, and the public. The BSL and USGS/MP have
designed, developed, and operate the No…
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Matthias Hort
2018-02-11 16:15:48
Institution: Institut für Geophysik, Universität Hamburg
Open Until: 2018-03-15
The Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences of the University of Hamburg, Germany, invites applications for a
commencing as soon as possible, ref. no. JP 276
The professorship is located in the Department of Earth Science.
The successful candidate is expected to carry out res…
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Iris McCrary-Tinsley
2018-02-09 17:52:15
John W. Miles Postdoctoral Fellowship in Theoretical And Computational Geophysics
The Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP) at Scripps Institution of Oceanography has an opening for the John W. Miles Postdoctoral Fellowship in Theoretical and Computational Geophysics starting in late 2018. Funding from the Green Foundation for Earth Sciences is available to support a postdoctoral position in the broad areas of computational and theoretical geophysics, including machine learning …
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Post-doctoral Fellow in Geophysics
(multi-observable probabilistic tomography)
The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences are inviting applicants for a Research Fellow to participate in a join research project on 3D multi-observable probabilistic inversion between DeBeers and Macquarie University for the physical state of the lithosphere and upper mantle beneath selected regions within the African continent. The candidate will jo…
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Institution: Observatoire Midi Pyrenees, Toulouse, FRANCE
Open Until: 2018-03-30
Passive crustal imaging with the large-N and large-T Maupasacq deployment - Comparison to active seismic imaging
The successful candidate will join our research group at the Observatoire Midi Pyrenees working on high resolution imaging of the lithosphere with full waveform inversion approaches. This postdoc is funded by OROGEN (, a very ambitious research project which aims at b…