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Active Message Threads for June 2018
Postdoctoral position in correlation wavefield seismology
Job no: 525019
Classification: Academic Level A
Salary Package: $70,107 - $88,446 per annum plus 17% Superannuation
Terms: Full-time, Fixed Term Appointment of two years
Position Overview:
We are looking to appoint a Postdoctoral Fellow (Academic Level A) in observational/computational seismology in the Seismology and Mathematical Geophysics research group within the Research School of Earth Sciences (RSES) at the Australian Nati…
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2018-06-29 16:50:47
The Wilson Alaska Technical Center (WATC) of the University of Alaska
Fairbanks (UAF) Geophysical Institute is looking to fill two positions in
support of growing requirements in the operation and maintenance of
monitoring stations in support of the US effort under the Comprehensive
Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty’s International Monitoring System. WATC operates
seismic and infrasound stations across the globe, from Antarctica to Alaska
to tropical islands, and will be a part of the anticipated Geophys…
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2018-06-25 17:23:29
Location: National Oceanography Centre Southampton, UK
Salary: £29,799 to £30,688 per annum
Full Time Fixed Term (2 years)
Closing Date: Thursday 26 July 2018
Interview Date: See advert
Reference: 1024718HN
The University of Southampton is in the top 1% of world Universities and one of the UK’s top 10 research-intensive Universities. We have an international reputation for research, teaching and enterprise activities. Following our excellent performance in the Research Excelle…
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2018-06-20 19:03:10
Dear all,
Malcolm Sambridge and I are seeking to fill two PhD scholarships at ANU. Please bring the advert below to the attention of any suitable candidates. A pdf version is also available, see:
With best wishes (and apologies for cross-posting!),
** PhD opportunities in inference and inversion at the Australian National University **
Fully-funded PhD scholarships are available for excellent candidates to work with…
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Institution: US Geological Survey
Open Until: 2018-06-29
The USGS Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory (ASL) seeks a qualified candidate for the position of Seismic Network Manager. The ASL installs, operates, and maintains the USGS component of the Global Seismographic Network (GSN) and the backbone of the Advanced National Seismic System (ANSS) and ensures the quality and integrity of the data. GSN and ANSS data are used for real-time seismic monitoring to detect and locate earthquakes arou…
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Wanted: Problem Solvers with Coding Skills
Location: UH Infrasound Laboratory in Kona, Hawaii.
Specs: Must be able to take the heat. Earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis likely.
Reqs: Field-capable US Citizens.
Application Deadline: 25 June 2018
ID# 18243 Data Systems Specialist
ID# 18245 F…
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Institution: U.S. Geological Survey
Open Until: 2018-06-28
The US Geological Survey has 1 open position for a Physical Science Technician within the National Strong Motion Projectet (NSMP). The position is located in Menlo Park, California.
The National Strong Motion Project installs and operates instrumentation in structures such as buildings, dams, and bridges whose response to strong shaking is of interest to the engineering community.
The Physical Science Technician incumbents…
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The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Cornell University seeks a highly qualified and motivated research scientist to image subsurface stratigraphy and structure in the upper crust near the Cornell campus using seismic reflection profiles collected with nodal instrumentation and a vibroseis source. The position is for one year and is renewable, contingent on funding and performance. The candidate will be part of an inter-disciplinary research project (supervised by Prof. Larry B…
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Seeking qualified US citizens with background in field operations leadership for the Director of the US National Tsunami Warning Center.
As a Supervisory Physical Scientist, you will perform the following duties:
Supervise the National Tsunami Warning Center (NTWC) staff, which includes: assigning and evaluating work, counseling employees on work and administrative matters, interviewing candidates for positions, enforcing disciplinary…
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PhD students are sought to join the multi-institution ECLIPSE Supervolcano programme hosted at the School of Geography, Environment, and Earth Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington (VUW; The research project will combine seismic methods with knowledge from ongoing geochemical/volcanological studies to consider the seismic structure, present state and potential for unrest or eruption of the supervolcano system in the central North Island (particularly Taup…
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The Gran Sasso Science Institute is offering a PhD position as part of
the GSSI Center of Urban Informatics and Modeling (CUIM). The project
title is 'Study of terrestrial gravity fluctuations and their impact on
gravitational-wave detectors' with possible sub-topics such as
gravity-based earthquake early warning, and gravity noise in large-scale
gravitational-wave detectors. We encourage application of candidates
with interest in geophysics and seismology as well as gravitational-wave
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JOB ALERT: UNAVCO invites applications for the staff position of Education and Community Engagement Specialist, responsible for managing the portfolio of work under the geoscience workforce (geo-workforce) initiative including a strong emphasis on broadening participation. The geo-workforce initiative aims to facilitate the development of a robust, well-trained and diverse geoscience workforce with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to tackle emerging scientific and societal issues. The work …