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Active Message Threads for August 2019
Institution: Cal Poly Pomona
Open Until: 2019-12-31
The Geological Sciences Department in the College of Science at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Cal Poly Pomona) invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor to begin Fall 2020. Candidates with strong teaching and research interests in any geoscience application of Remote Sensing and/or Geospatial Technology are encouraged to apply. We invite applications from geoscientists whose researc…
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John Louie
2019-08-30 05:40:33
Institution: Univ. of Nevada, Reno
Open Until: 2019-09-16
Apply at
The Department of Geological Sciences and Engineering (DGSE) invites applications for a tenured, full professor to serve as Department Chair. Responsibilities include overseeing the academic programs in Geological Sciences and Engineering, fostering a strategic vision in partnership with ex…
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Endowed faculty position in petroleum geology at the University
of Colorado Boulder:
The Department of Geological Sciences at the University of
Colorado Boulder, invites applications for the Bruce D. Benson
Endowed Chair in Petroleum Geology. We seek an outstanding
scientist who has a demonstrable record for excellence in
teaching and a strong scholarly record in the broad field of
petroleum geosciences. Candidates with an ability to integrate
multiple specialties to solve difficult tec…
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Xiaowei Chen
2019-08-28 21:52:26
The School of Geosciences at the University of Oklahoma (OU) invites applications for a tenure-track or tenured position in Computational Geophysics at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor. The candidate must hold a Ph.D. in a related field, have a strong research record, and an interest in teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses and mentoring…
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Lind Gee
2019-08-27 15:00:08
My apologies for what will certainly be multiple postings. Please share
with colleagues you think might be interested. Thank you!
*Job opportunity with the USGS:*
*Applications are due 09/16/2019!*
*The USGS Earthquake Science Center has an open position for a
Geophysicist, Engineer or Computer Scientist to lead the National Strong
Motion Data Center *
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) seeks motivated candidates for a
position in the National Strong Motion Project (NSMP), p…
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The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Indiana University Bloomington invites applications for a tenure-track position in crustal processes to begin in Fall 2020 at the rank of Assistant Professor. The successful candidate will complement existing strengths in crustal deformation and faulting, tectonic landscape evolution, sedimentary processes, and stable isotope geochemistry. Areas of desirable research include, but are not limited to, rock physics, rheology/mineralogy/petrology …
Deadline approaching: Assistant Professor in Crustal Processes, Indiana University - Johnson, Kaj - 2019-10-07 22:52:22
The Institute of Earth Sciences at the University of Lausanne invites
applications for a 2-year post-doc position on crustal geophysical
investigations, with earliest start on _December 1st_, 2019.
The research will focus on the Himalayan orogen, primarily on the
distribution and evolution of earthquakes in the crust. Beyond obtaining
an accurate picture of seismicity, physico-chemical models will be
tested for plausible explanations. In addition, participation in
establishing a crustal …
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Jessica Hawthorne
2019-08-21 13:53:22
Dear all,
Two postdoc positions are available at the University of Oxford. The
postdocs will investigate which fault zone processes could control
slow slip and tremor using seismology and modelling. Links to the job
descriptions are below, and applications are invited until the 21st of
October (12pm UK time). For more information or to discuss the
positions, please do get in touch with Jess Hawthorne at…
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The Institute of Seismology in the Department of Geosciences and
Geography at the University of Helsinki, Faculty of Science invites
applications for two positions:
As part of a research project funded by the Academy of Finland, the
successful candidates are expected to work on a seismic surface wave
imaging technique in the context of large-N or dense seismic array data.
The project involves collaboration with researchers in France (Gren…
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John Collins
2019-08-20 21:00:08
Institution: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Open Until: 2019-10-15
The newly formed Ocean Bottom Seismometer Instrument Center (OBSIC) at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) announces a competition for a Postdoctoral Scholar Fellowship. OBSIC’s mission is to support discovery of the earth’s internal structure and its dynamic processes using seafloor seismic measurements. (See The OBSIC Postdoctoral Fellowship, recognizing the importance of marine sei…
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Simon Staehler
2019-08-20 11:46:58
Dear Colleagues
The Seismology and Geodynamics group (SEG) and the Exploration and
Environmental Geophysics (EEG) group at ETH Zurich, Switzerland
(Institute of Geophysics, Department of Earth Sciences, Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology) have immediate openings for two ambitious and
talented PhD candidates in the field of geophysical signal processing of
gravitational waves recordings - see attachment and following link:
We woul…
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Christelle Wauthier
2019-08-14 21:56:07
Applications are solicited for a Ph.D. student at the Pennsylvania State University in State College, Pennsylvania, to begin Fall of 2020, who will play a key role in an NSF-funded project on “Modeling of Crater Floor Deformation in Relationship with Lava Lake Activity” (see project abstract below). The selected Ph.D. student will be based at Penn State under the supervision of Dr. Christelle Wauthier. The project will be conducted in close collaboration with Drs. Benoît Smets (Royal Museum for…
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Eva Zanzerkia
2019-08-09 13:09:04
Institution: National Science Foundation
Open Until: 2019-09-30
Division of Earth Sciences
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Alexandria, VA
NSF’s Directorate for Geosciences (GEO) seeks candidates for the position of Director for the Division of Earth Sciences (EAR). The EAR Division Director serves as a member of the GEO leadership team and as the Directorate’s principal spokesperson in earth sciences research. In collaboration with administrative personnel and the Section He…
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Hanako Ihara
2019-08-09 06:44:10
Institution: Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Open Until: 2019-10-07
Available Position: JAMSTEC is recruiting one position as a Scientist or Technical Scientist (CKS-001)
Recruiting Department: Volcanoes and Earth’s Interior Research Center(VERC), Research Institute for Marine Geodynamics(IMG)
Job Description:
Volcanoes and Earth’s Interior Research Center (VERC), Research Institute for Marine Geodynamics (IMG), JAMSTEC is soliciting applications for one position a…
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Institution: US Geological Survey
Open Until: 2019-08-30
The USGS seeks a Computer Scientist / Systems Administrator to join the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (PNSN) in Seattle, WA.
The incumbent will support the earthquake mitigation mission of the USGS by operating and maintaining the ShakeAlert system; a 24/7 Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) system that distributes rapid warnings of expected strong shaking when an earthquake occurs. This is part of a multiorganizational cooperative pro…
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We would like to announce a post-doctoral opportunity to use observational seismology to study injection-induced earthquakes in the central United States. We seek highly motivated individuals to analyze one of the many high-quality seismic data sets that have been collected over the past decade to gain insight into the physical processes controlling induced seismicity and earthquakes in general. Potential study topics include, but are not limited to: 1) spatiotemporal and statistical analysis o…
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Institution: PASSCAL Instrument Center
Open Until: 2019-11-30
Develop and maintain software that is used on or to facilitate seismological experiments. IRIS PASSCAL software includes tools to: interface with seismic data loggers, test equipment, convert between data formats, analyze state-of-health information, manage inventory and maintenance, and schedule equipment. The software engineer will also be responsible for providing user support to both PASSCAL staff and the IRIS commu…
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Flinchum, Brady (L&W, Waite Campus)
2019-08-01 23:13:22
Dear Colleagues,
A Post-Doctoral Research Scientist position in hydromechanics is available at Clemson University. The successful candidate will work on a project developing the next generation of high-resolution borehole strainmeters and evaluating their performance in field applications. The project includes developing novel multi-component borehole strainmeters, and distributed acoustic/strain sensors using optical fibers, and then testing the instruments and analyzing data from field sit…
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Int'l Office
2019-08-01 13:38:47
Dear colleagues-
This is a reminder for the Call for 2019 Visiting Professor/Post-doc
position at ERI. The deadline is August 16 (Friday), 2019.
Please visit <> for more details
The Earthquake Research Institute (ERI), the University of Tokyo, invites
applications for Visiting
Professor / Post-doctoral Fellow positions in the research fields of
earthquakes, tsunamis, t…