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Active Message Threads for May 2022
Institution: IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center
Open Until: 2022-09-30
The IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center at New Mexico Tech seeks a Hardware Engineer to join our hardware team, supporting the development of innovative solutions for testing equipment and supporting PASSCAL projects, both internally and in the field.
Core responsibilities are to support routine testing of PASSCAL equipment and supporting PASSCAL engineering projects primarily in the lab and in the field as needed. Du…
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Hello All,
Please see the following posting for a postdoc at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory focusing on induced seismicity.
Kayla Kroll (she/her)
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Deputy Group Leader for Seismology
Atmospheric, Earth, and Energy Division
925-423-6454 |
Seismology - Postdoctoral Researcher
Company Description
Job Description
We have an opening for a Postdoctoral Researcher to perform research on induced seismicity…
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James Wookey
2022-05-31 08:54:49
Research Associate in Deep Earth Seismology at the University of Bristol
The School of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol (UK) is seeking to recruit a research associate for a term of up to 2 years. This position will contribute to research in the geophysics group probing the dynamics of the Earth’s mantle with waveform seismology, and is linked to a NERC Large Grant, Mantle Convection Constrained (MC2), which aims to constrain how mantle upwellings operate within the Earth. This pr…
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Dear Colleagues,
Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL), hosted by the University of Lisbon, Portugal, is opening four PhD fellowships and one junior post-doctoral position in Earth Sciences, including Seismology. IDL is an Associated Laboratory and the reference research unit for Geodynamics & Earth Science in Portugal. First established in 1853, IDL presently includes circa 110 researchers and 70 PhD students and manages state-of-the-art laboratories in Geophysics, Geochemistry, Geology, Renewable Energy,…
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The Wilson Alaska Technical Center ( is searching
for a Seismo-Acoustic Engineer to join our engineering team in maintaining
and improving seismic and infrasound stations around the globe - from
Antarctica to the remote Pacific Islands. This position will help maintain
stations through fieldwork and remote monitoring and troubleshooting to
ensure high data availability and quality. Do you have a unique background
of technical skills, problem-solving skills, are organized…
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Institution: Kinemetrics, Inc.
Open Until: 2022-10-31
We have big plans for continued global growth, and we’re looking for people who are creative, flexible and dedicated to helping us build something great – something that matters.
The Kinemetrics Team is more than ‘just’ the inventor of the world’s first feedback strong motion accelerometer, very-broadband seismograph or of the patented world’s first 24-bit A/D that revolutionized the field of seismology. Our products and solutions have t…
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Institution: Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey
Open Until: 2022-06-20
The Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey (WGNHS) is seeking a visionary geoscientist to lead our venerable organization as its next Director and State Geologist. Part of the University of Wisconsin–Madison, Division of Extension, WGNHS is an interdisciplinary organization that conducts earth-science surveys, field studies, and research to produce scientific information used by government organization…
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Institution: University of Oxford
Open Until: 2021-06-21
Dear all,
We are looking for an enthusiastic postdoctoral researcher to join the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Oxford to work on regional seismic tomography within the interdisciplinary project “MC2: Mantle Circulation Constrained”.
The MC2 project led by Cardiff University aims to understand the nature and evolution of upwellings in the Earth’s mantle. The specific aim for this position is the development of …
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Miami University is seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow under a 1-year
appointment to perform original research supported by an NSF-funded project
entitled “Online Training Using Tutorial-Based Active E-Learning to Broaden
Participation and Enhance Scientific Computing Skills within a Disciplinary
Context.” This project capitalizes on a wealth of existing educational data
collected from the Seismology Skill Building Workshop and seeks to further
develop the program for future implementations. More i…
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Tarje Nissen-Meyer
2022-05-17 11:42:17
We have a postdoc position on offer for 3.5 years in the Zoology (soon
merged into Biology) Dept at Oxford, UK, in close collaboration with
Tarje Nissen-Meyer (Earth Sciences), Andrew Markham (Computer Sciences),
and charity Save the Elephants (Kenya). The nature of this position is
of course truly multidisciplinary, but a seismological background is
particularly interesting, especially with fieldwork, data-processing and
machine-learning experience.
Deadline: June 13, start date from Se…
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Institution: Pacific Northwest Seismic Network
Open Until: 2022-06-30
As a UW employee, you have a unique opportunity to change lives on our campuses, in our state and around the world. UW employees offer their boundless energy, creative problem solving skills and dedication to build stronger minds and a healthier world.
UW faculty and staff also enjoy outstanding benefits, professional growth opportunities and unique resources in an environment noted for diversity, intellectual excitement,…
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Institution: New Mexico Tech
Open Until: 2022-06-10
The New Mexico Bureau of Geology and New Mexico Tech seeks applications for a postdoctoral researcher in seismology to conduct research on induced seismicity presently occurring in southeastern New Mexico. Research topics will include using machine learning techniques to augment the catalog of seismicity in the region, associating seismicity with fracking and wastewater injection data, and other topics depending on researcher interest. Prefer…
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Institution: Dalhousie University
Open Until: 2022-06-03
The National Facility for Seismic Imaging (NFSI;, in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Dalhousie University, is in the process of developing a major new pool of Broadband Ocean Bottom Seismometers (BOBS). These instruments are being used for collaborative national and international studies of the Earth structure and earthquakes across the Canadian offshore regions and worldwide.
Reporting to the NFSI M…
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Jonathan Weiss - NOAA Federal
2022-05-12 09:19:51
Hi All,
The NOAA/NWS/Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) in Honolulu has openings
for two duty scientists; a geophysicist and an oceanographer. This is an
excellent opportunity to apply for a permanent/federal position that
involves societally relevant work including a combination of operational
geophysics/oceanography and research aimed at improving rapid earthquake
source characterization, tsunami modeling, and hazard assessment. Please
consider applying for the position(s) and/or distribu…
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Justin Rubinstein
2022-05-09 16:15:16
USGS Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellowship Studying Induced Seismicity
We would like to announce a post-doctoral opportunity to investigate induced seismicity through detailed analyses of geophysical data in regions of active injection with the broad goal of understanding the physical processes underpinning and controlling injection-induced seismicity. We seek candidates across a broad range of expertise including seismology, geodesy, numerical modeling, and geomechanics.
Candidates are encourag…
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Luca Dal Zilio
2022-05-06 09:53:47
The Seismology and Geodynamics group at ETH Zurich invites applications for one PhD student position in Computational Earthquake Physics. The PhD project is in the emerging domain of numerical modeling and earthquake physics. The PhD candidate will exploit the use of advanced physics-based modeling tools to investigate the interplay between seismic and aseismic slip on active tectonic faults. The objectives of this research project include (1) the thermo-mechanical parameters characterizing the…
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[Text Description automatically generated][A picture containing outdoor, sky, grass, mountain Description automatically generated]
Earthquake Lake Visitor Center Manager
Custer Gallatin National Forest
Hebgen Lake Ranger District
The Hebgen Lake Ranger District of the Custer Gallatin National Forest is seeking to permanently fill a position as the Earthquake Lake Visitor Center manager. This notification is being circulated to inform prospective appli…
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Institution: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research
Open Until: 2022-05-15
In the framework of the WSL research program “Data Science and Mass Movement Seismology: Towards the Next Generation of Debris Flow Warning” we are searching for a PostDoc to develop and test machine learning algorithms to identify seismic signatures of debris flows, rock falls, avalanches and other hazardous mass movements in long-term seismic catalogues. Special focus is on rapid data processi…