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Announcements of employment opportunities in the seismological community.

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Active Message Threads for September 2022

Dear Colleagues, The Earth Sciences department at SMU is seeking candidates at the Associate or Full professor level for our most prestigious chair, the C.W. Matthews Chair, which is supported by a dedicated endowment that yields both salary and annual research funds. The search is focused on geochemistry, biogeochemistry or geology, including economic geology, that may incorporate experimental/analytical stable isotope methods and build on existing departmental facilities and expertise. Our… [more]
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DIVISION OF GEOLOGICAL AND PLANETARY SCIENCES The Foster and Coco Stanback Postdoctoral Fellowship Applications Due: November 11, 2022 The Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences at the California Institute of Technology invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship in global environmental science beginning in the fall of 2023. The intent of the program is to support innovative and creative early career scientists working in global env… [more]
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The Department of Geological Sciences at The University of Alabama (UA) invites applications for the endowed Loper Professorship. The position will be filled at the rank of Full or Associate Professor beginning August 16, 2023. We seek a colleague who will complement/enhance our existing research strengths, which include geochemistry, geophysics, hydrogeology, paleoclimate, paleontology, petrology, planetary science, sedimentology, stratigraphy, structural geology, tectonics, and volcanology. W… [more]
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Outstanding BSc (Hons) or MSc graduates are invited to apply for two PhD scholarships, funded through a MBIE Smart Ideas grant to Prof. Georg Zellmer on ”Robust volcanic eruption forecasts: leveraging magmatic speedometry into geophysical monitoring”. One project addresses the architecture and dynamics of magma ascent feeding voluminous historic lava flow eruptions from the Southern Taupo Volcanic Zone, using advanced petrological and geochemical techniques. The other aims to understand the sei… [more]
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Institution: Carnegie Institution for Science Open Until: 2022-11-14 The Earth and Planets Laboratory (EPL), a division of the Carnegie Institution for Science, invites applications for postdoctoral fellowships at its campus in Washington, DC. Applicants’ primary field of research should overlap with one of our areas of interest: seismology, volcanology, geodesy, geodynamics, geochemistry, mineral physics, experimental petrology, planetary science, astronomy, cosmochemistry, geobiology, physi… [more]
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The USGS Mendenhall program has a post-doctoral opportunity (#21-44) for recent graduates in computer science, geophysics, seismology, statistics, or related fields. The goal of this opportunity is to develop machine-learning approaches to improve earthquake forecasting capabilities – namely, to better predict the rate, locations, and sizes of earthquakes, and to supplement or potentially replace the empirical epidemic-type aftershock sequence (ETAS) models currently being used by the USGS fo… [more]
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Andres Alfonso de Castilla rivera
2022-09-23 08:50:06
Institution: Cse Open Until: 2022-09-22 Structural design of Urban buildings. Registered engineer at Puebla and San Andrés Cholula counties at Puebla México. 40years of experience on teaching and structural engineering.
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Institution: KBR Open Until: 2022-11-30 KBR, under contract to US Geological Survey at the Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory (ASL), is seeking an electronic field technician to provide installation, maintenance, operations, and technical support for global seismological systems. Day to day duties are performed at the ASL with frequent deployment to US and remote global locations. The successful candidate will be responsible for a wide variety of equipment used for seismic monitoring, str… [more]
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Sunyoung Park
2022-09-16 16:47:00 - 2022-09-22 19:10:02
The Department of the Geophysical Sciences at The University of Chicago invites applications for the T.C. Chamberlin Postdoctoral Fellowship. We seek outstanding scientists who lead creative investigations into the nature and evolution of the Earth and/or other planetary bodies—including their physics, biology, chemistry, climate, and history—and who have a desire to participate in the broad intellectual life of the department and the university. Ongoing research activities within the departmen… [more]
The Earth and Planets Laboratory (EPL), a division of the Carnegie Institution for Science, invites applications for postdoctoral fellowships at its campus in Washington, DC. Applicants’ primary field of research should overlap with one of our areas of interest: observational, experimental and theoretical research in astronomy, cosmochemistry, data science, experimental petrology, geobiology, geochemistry, geodynamics, geophysics, mineral physics, planetary science, physics and chemistry of mat… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Kindly note and share with early career students and colleagues as you may see fit. Thank You, Rick Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Sedimentary Geology, Colorado State University The Department of Geoscience in the Warner College of Natural Resources at Colorado State University seeks a 9-month tenure-track appointment at the Assistant Professor level with a preferred start date of August 2023. We seek an enthusiastic Geoscientist to expand our educational offerings … [more]
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Assistant Professor Geological Sciences The Department of Marine Geosciences at the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science, University of Miami, invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Geological Sciences (broadly defined). We have needs in the areas of structural geology, petrology, hydrogeology, and marine geophysics. Candidates with a vision for developing an interdisciplinary research program within these areas are especially encour… [more]
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Arrowsmith, Stephen
2022-09-14 14:48:55
The Huffington Department of Earth Sciences at SMU is looking for a Seismo-Acoustic Engineer to join our team in Dallas, TX. The SMU seismo-acoustic team operates and designs long-running and temporary deployments of seismic and infrasound real-time systems. Network operations serve as the cornerstone of a vigorous research program that includes the design of new sensor systems and experimental sensor deployments that enable us to explore scientific questions. The engineer will collaborate w… [more]
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Mendenhall Opportunity 21-20: Rapid, robust characterization of earthquake uncertainties to unlock advanced monitoring, forecasting, and research<> Earthquake monitoring forms the foundation of earthquake forecasting and research. Although overall earthquake monitoring capabilities have become increasingly sophisticated in the past decades, methods of uncertainty quantification, k… [more]
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Human Resources
2022-09-14 00:23:50
Institution: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego Open Until: 2023-09-13 Earth Section Researchers Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego Position overview Position title: Earth Section Research Positions - Assistant/Associate/Full Researcher Salary range: Rank and salary will be consistent with the applicant's qualifications, experience and University of California pay scales. Application Window Open August 26, 2022 through Monday, Oct 17, 2022 at 11:59pm (Pacif… [more]
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McGuire, Jeffrey
2022-09-13 17:15:44
USGS Mendenhall post-doctoral opportunity in fiber optic and array seismology for earthquake early warning The purpose of this Mendenhall Fellowship opportunity is to advance our understanding on fiber optic (FO) seismology for earthquake early warning (EEW) applications using array processing techniques. A successful applicant should have the background and interest to pursue research on distributed acoustic sensing of earthquake waves with fiber optic cables and with traditional seismic arr… [more]
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Zacharie Duputel
2022-09-13 07:38:12
Institution: Piton de la Fournaise Volcano Observatory Open Until: 2022-12-01 The Piton de la Fournaise Volcano Observatory of the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher in the framework of the ERC PRESEISMIC project. The postdoctoral research will focus on the use of machine learning techniques to improve detection and localization of earthquakes during seismic swarms. Seismicity is currently one of the best tools to monitor transient asei… [more]
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Dear Colleagues — Please note the following full-time Postdoc opportunity in Antarctic Seismology in the Department of Geosciences at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. Interdisciplinary research opportunities for this position include solid Earth seismology, cryoseismology, and volcano seismology. Contact P.I. and postdoc mentor Rick Aster (<>) for more information. This NSF-funded position is available beginning this fal… [more]
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Michael Hamburger
2022-09-12 14:49:06
Assistant/Associate Professor Positions in Earth & Atmospheric Sciences at Indiana University Bloomington The Indiana University Bloomington Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences<> invites applications for one or more tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor positions to begin in fall of 2023. We welcome applications that complement our research strengths in climate change, critical zone science, or evolving crust, especially in the areas of Earth … [more]
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Elizabeth Vanacore
2022-09-09 20:54:21
Institution: University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez Open Until: 2022-11-09 JOB ANNOUNCEMENT Announcement Number : 22-10 Position Title : Assistant Professor Location of Position : University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Department of Geology ( Opening Date : September 9, 2022 Closing Date : Nov… [more]
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Marlo Swanson
2022-09-09 18:55:05
Please send the following announcement, it has already been posted to the website. Deputy Director, Infrastructure IRIS Requisition ID: 1009 Salary Range:103,000.00 To 159,700.00 (USD) Annually Location: Full Time Remote, US or Seattle, WA. Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) Data Services is searching for a Deputy Director, Infrastructure to join our team. IRIS is a small, scientific consortium with a global reach. The work we perform and the services we prov… [more]
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Bruce Beaudoin
2022-09-09 14:46:30
Institution: IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center Open Until: 2022-12-31 The IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center at New Mexico Tech is seeking applicants to fill the full-time position of Magnetotelluric Specialist. The Magnetotelluric Specialists will provide equipment and experiment support for our pool of wide-band and long-period magnetotelluric systems. JOB DUTIES: Core responsibility is to support magnetotelluric equipment pool at IRIS PASSCAL ( Support will inclu… [more]
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2022-09-08 17:46:22
Institution: Lehigh University Open Until: 2022-10-15 Lehigh University invites applications for a tenure track position in earth and environmental sciences at the assistant professor level, to start August, 2023. Successful candidates will have a PhD in an area of expertise that contributes to department strengths, and a record of scholarship that indicates that they will establish an internationally recognized externally funded research program. Candidates working across disciplinary boundar… [more]
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Paul Ogwari
2022-09-06 21:56:27
Institution: Oklahoma Geological Survey Open Until: 2022-10-28 The Oklahoma Geological Survey (OGS) seeks a Ph.D. geoscientist with experience in basin-scale to plume-scale subsurface fluid flow modeling, with good understanding of geostorage problems, such as carbon capture, hydrogen fuel, and/or natural gas storage. This scientist will become a core member of the OGS staff and work in a collaborative environment to generate external funding and peer-reviewed publications. Major Duties w… [more]
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Duncan Agnew
2022-09-06 01:33:34
Institution: University of California San Diego, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics Open Until: 2022-10-31 Green Foundation Postdoctoral Appointments in Geophysics The Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP) at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, has openings starting in 2023 for up to two postdoctoral Green Scholars. The PhD awarded to the applicant must have a date no earlier than 4 years before the application deadline, and… [more]
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The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Volcano Science Center seeks to hire two recent college graduates to contribute to daily and weekly global volcanic activity reports. One of these positions will be based at the Cascades Volcano Observatory in Vancouver, WA and the other in Washington, DC. Both positions will work closely with the Smithsonian Institution’s Global Volcanism Program, and the daily report will be posted on the Global Volcanism Program’s website (<ht… [more]
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The University of Utah Seismograph Stations (UUSS, invites applications for a full-time staff scientist position. UUSS operates and maintains a network of approximately 250 seismic stations in the Utah region and a network of 30 seismic stations in the Yellowstone region. UUSS runs the ANSS Quake Monitoring System (AQMS) and is responsible for generating earthquake catalogs and other earthquake information products, as well as providing information to local stakeholders. The suc… [more]
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Accelerate your career in beautiful Reno/Tahoe at the most innovative hazards monitoring network in the US. The Nevada Seismological Lab is searching for an ambitious Network Manager to direct, manage, and secure continued funding for operations of a spectrum of natural hazard monitoring efforts with prime focus on running the Nevada & Eastern California regional earthquake monitoring network and an ever-growing number of early detection and situational awareness fire cameras. If you are a US C… [more]
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Institution: Peking University Open Until: 2023-03-01 We invite motivated outstanding candidates to apply for the Boya Postdoctoral Fellowships at the School of Earth and Space Sciences at Peking University (PKU) or national postdoc fellowships. Applicants with an interest in seismology or interdisciplinary interests are particularly encouraged to apply. The fellowship is for a period of 2 years and includes a base salary of 200K RMB/year (exchange rates 7-8 RMB/Euro and 6-7 RMB/US$), with… [more]
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The Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences at Rice University is seeking applications for TWO tenure-track assistant professor positions in (1) Planetary Science and (2) Environmental Science and Natural Resources. More information and details on how to apply can be found here: EEPS Job Opportunities <> Planetary Science Position: Broadly defined, with particular interests in planetary geochemistry, cosmochemistry, astromaterials… [more]
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Dear all, Following an administrative bug, the link to apply for the postdoctoral potions in Deep Learning for seismic data denoising at Géoazur (previously posted here) has been updated to: <>. The successful applicant will work in Sophia Antipolis (French Riviera) in collaboration with myself, Jean-Paul Ampuero, Françoise Courboulex, Tony Monfret and Éri… [more]
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Institution: Géoazur - Institut de Recherche pour le Développement Open Until: 2022-10-10 Dear all, Following an administrative bug, the link to apply for the postdoctoral potions in Deep Learning for seismic data denoising at Géoazur has been updated to: The successful applicant will work in Sophia Antipolis (French Riviera) in collaboration with myself, Jean-Paul Ampuero, Françoise Courboulex, Tony Monfret and É… [more]
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