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Active Message Threads for September 2017

Jackson, Christopher A - L
2017-09-24 02:48:41
Hi All, Sorry for the long message, but the information and request may be of interest to some of the IRIS membership. Please grab a cup of tea and some biscuits, and read on... A preprint is a version of a scholarly paper that precedes publication in a peer-reviewed journal. The preprint may persist with it’s own unique DOI after a paper is published in a journal. A preprint server is a platform built to host preprints. While a preprint server related to physics, mathematics and computer sc… [more]
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AACSE: The Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment A major shoreline-crossing community seismic experiment will take place in 2018-2019 spanning the Alaska Peninsula subduction zone. The purpose of this announcement is to alert the community to the scope of the final funded project, the timetable for data availability, and opportunities to participate. Plans for this project were developed at the 2014 Amphibious Array workshop (http://geoprisms.org/wpdemo/wp-content/uploads/201… [more]
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Dear colleagues, We wish to bring to your attention two upcoming CIDER events: 1) The pre-AGU CIDER workshop will take place at Tulane Univ., close to the location of the AGU meeting, on Sunday December 10th, 2017, from 1.30 to 5.30 pm. It will feature keynote talks by Christy Till, Kerry Key and Paul Asimow on themes related to the 2017 and 2018 summer program, as well as presentations by research groups formed during the 2017 CIDER summer program. The workshop is open to all, and in particu… [more]
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