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Active Message Threads for February 2018

Fabian Walter
2018-02-17 01:20:36
Dear colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the thematic issue of the *Annals of Glaciology* on ‘Progress in Cryoseismology’. The deadline for paper submission is 1 January 2019. Please go to the website https://www.igsoc.org/annals/ call_4_papers/cryoseismology/ for more details including a full list of editors and a list of topics of this exciting issue. If you have specific questions, please email me or contact the scientific editors. Best, Fabian. -- Fabian Walte… [more]
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In September 2017 two major earthquakes struck south and central Mexico The first one (Mw=8.1) was located in the Tehuantepec Gulf, and the second one (Mw=7.1) close to densely populated cities such as Cuernavaca, Puebla and Mexico City. Hundreds of buildings collapsed or were seriously damaged by both events. These earthquakes are probably the best recorded and documented in Mexico, and a lot of scientific issues are ready to be revealed. We therefore extend an invitation to all interested to… [more]
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Dear seismology colleagues, The Keiiti Aki Young Scientist Award recognizes the scientific accomplishments of young scientists in the field of seismology. Please consider nominating your junior colleagues or collaborators, or other early career scientists whose work you know and appreciate. Helping to nominate these deserving individuals is one way you can help the community recognize their budding contributions to seismology, and we hope you can contribute. If you know of deserving candidates… [more]
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