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Announcements by other (non-IRIS) organizations, which may be of general interest to the seismological community

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Active Message Threads for January 2019

Dear IRIS community, Owing to the shutdown of the federal government, a webinar scheduled for January 9, 2019 to address the Frontier Research in the Earth Sciences program was not held. Therefore, we are scheduling another one for January 30. No new information that does not appear in the solicitation will be provided, but this will be an opportunity to ask clarifying questions. Also, the presentation will be the same as the one held on December 5. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, Jan… [more]
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Danny Feucht
2019-01-17 17:38:37
We are pleased to again announce the Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE) program for 2019. Program dates: June 17 - July 12, 2019. Application deadline: Sunday, March 31 at 8:00pm EDT. SAGE is a four week graduate and advanced undergraduate research and education program in exploration geophysics based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. SAGE students, faculty, and visiting scientists acquire, process and interpret both near-surface and basin-scale geophysical data, including … [more]
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Magnani, Maria Beatrice
2019-01-16 23:47:25
Call for Participation: High-Res Patagonia Lacustrine Seismic Cruise (May 2019) Application Deadline: Feb 15, 2019 Cruise dates: May 1-31, 2019 (flexibility of ±5 days on either end required) PI: M. Beatrice Magnani Science Party: up to 5 Applications are being solicited to participate in the Argentinian Patagonia lacustrine cruise, part of the multidisciplinary GUANACO Project that will acquire ~500 km of high-resolution seismic reflection data in the proglacial region of Lago A… [more]
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Harold Tobin
2019-01-16 19:38:13
To those interested in subduction zone research: What’s Happening With SZ4D? This is a community update on exciting new developments in the planning for a future subduction zone research program envisioned to span the U.S. research community: the SZ4D Initiative, or Subduction Zones in Four Dimensions. The outcome of the massive Subduction Zone Observatory Workshop (Boise, October, 2016) was the 2017 report The SZ4D Initiative: Understanding the Processes that Underlie Subduction Zone Hazard… [more]
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Jim Gaherty
2019-01-14 18:32:12
Call for Participation – PacificArray OBS Recovery Cruise (May-June 2019) Application Deadline: Feb 11, 2019 Cruise dates: May 6 – June 7, 2019 (flexibility of ±5 days required) PIs: Jim Gaherty, Zach Eilon, Don Forsyth, Göran Ekström Science Party: up to 6 We are soliciting apply-to-sail participants for the RV Kilo Moana ocean-bottom seismograph (OBS) recovery cruise, part of the international PacificArray initiative to install OBS arrays across the Pacific plate. We will recover 30 broad… [more]
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Diana Roman
2019-01-06 01:55:44
CIDER 2019 Summer Program: Volcanoes  Volcano science involves modeling, geophysical and geochemical measurements, sample collection and field work, and remote sensing.  The purpose of CIDER 2019 is to bring together early career and senior scientists from different disciplines to cross-educate each other and help advance multidisciplinary volcano science by establishing new research projects, directions and collaborations.   Organizers: Simon Carn, Michigan Tech  Tobias Fischer University o… [more]
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