Other Announcements

Announcements by other (non-IRIS) organizations, which may be of general interest to the seismological community

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Active Message Threads for October 2020

If you are a caregiver struggling to balance your science with caregiving responsibilities, join us for a panel discussion featuring resources available from NSF, universities, UNAVCO and IRIS to assist you and meet others and grow your support network. *You are not (ever!) alone: science, career, and caregiving in the time of COVID* November 16, 11:00 - 12:30 PM MST Moderated by Drs. Becks Bendick and Bob Woodward Space is limited and registration is required. Full information and registra… [more]
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-- Apologies for cross-posting -- Dear Colleague, We hope this email finds you well. We would like to draw your attention to the extension of the deadline to submit your manuscript to the *Focus Section on **Arctic and Antarctic Seismology*, to be published in the July 2021 volume of *Seismological Research Letters*. The new deadline is *December 28, 2020*. Please visit https://www.seismosoc.org/publications/srl/call-for-papers-focus-section-on-Arctic%20and%20Antarctic%20Seismology/ fo… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, The devastating 2011 Tohoku tsunami was the deadliest and most damaging tsunami after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Although the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami led to significant progress in Geosciences, the 2011 Tohoku tsunami challenged our knowledge of tsunamis again. It taught us new lessons and proved the need of substantial improvements in seismology and tsunami research. The aim of this Special Issue is to represent new studies and findings of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami and … [more]
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NCALM Invites Graduate Students to Submit 2020 Seed Proposals The National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping invites proposals from graduate student PIs seeking airborne lidar data for use in research toward an M.S. or Ph.D. degree. NCALM maps up to eight projects each year, covering up to 40 sq km, for graduate students who require lidar data. Seed Proposal Grants are supported by the NSF. See NCALM's Seed Proposals<http://ncalm.cive.uh.edu/seed/about> and Format Guidelines<http://ncalm.cive… [more]
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