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Active Message Threads for February 2021

Dear Colleagues, Following many requests, we would like to announce that the deadline for submission of papers to the BSSA Special Section on Fault Displacement and Near-Source Ground Motion Models has been extended. NEW DEADLINE: 15 MARCH 2021 The Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (BSSA) solicits papers for a Special Section on Fault Displacement and Near-Source Ground Motion Models. Reliable quantification of ground motions proximal to the source, and fault displace… [more]
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Dear colleagues, We have got the green light from EGU Organizing Committee for convening a Late-Breaking session on « the Dec. 2020 earthquake sequence in Petrinja, Croatia, and its seismotectonic and geodynamic environments ». The rationale is as follows : « On 29/12/2020, a major earthquake (Mw 6.4) occurred in Croatia, close to Petrinja, 45 km south of Zagreb. This earthquake is the strongest event in continental Europe since the Norcia sequence (Italy) in 2016. The mainshock occurred … [more]
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Dear Colleagues This is a kind reminder that deadline is approaching for those planning to submit a paper to the BSSA Special Section on Fault Displacement and Near-Source Ground Motion Models DEADLINE: 15 FEBRUARY 2021 The Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (BSSA) solicits papers for a Special Section on Fault Displacement and Near-Source Ground Motion Models. Reliable quantification of ground motions proximal to the source, and fault displacement caused by surface ru… [more]
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