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Active Message Threads for March 2021

Tim Ahern
2021-03-27 12:24:22
Dear Community, Legacy Seismic Data includes a broad collection of seismic data recorded on paper and magnetic tape some of which also reside on microfiche and microfilm. In this modern digital era of seismology, these data are underutilized. Making these data easily accessible and to meet FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Resuable) standards requires metadata standards for easily finding and exchanging as well as using this data. As a first step, participants at a 2019 workshop… [more]
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Glickson, Deborah
2021-03-17 13:49:53
Please see below the National Academies’ Committee on Solid Earth Geophysics is having its Spring Meeting on Novel Geophysical Datasets for Environmental Applications on March 23. Thank you, Deb Glickson [https://gallery.mailchimp.com/18fe6f8f25ec0bc7509e65e97/images/8444b989-8c77-4cdf-9807-4972ea15b43b.gif] [https://mcusercontent.com/18fe6f8f25ec0bc7509e65e97/images/5a43b7dd-2691-4e19-95c5-cd54792a4f70.jpg] Novel Geophysical Datasets for Envir… [more]
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The Ocean Bottom Seismometer Instrument Center (OBSIC) has measured the orientations of the horizontal components of 48 of 75 OBS deployed as part of the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment (AACSE; FDSN network code XO). The measurements are available at: http://ds.iris.edu/data/reports/XO_2018_2019/AACSE_orientations_DLOPy.csv<https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fds.iris.edu%2Fdata%2Freports%2FXO_2018_2019%2FAACSE_orientations_DLOPy.csv&data=04%7C01%7Cab… [more]
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Cornelis Weemstra
2021-03-08 14:24:10
Dear Colleagues, We would like to invite you to contribute to the upcoming Special Issue of Remote Sensing on the topic "Advances in Seismic Interferometry". Since the early 2000s, seismic interferometry has revolutionized seismology. Seismic interferometry takes advantage of existing (ambient) wavefield recordings through the generation of so-called virtual sources. The medium’s response to these virtual sources can be harnessed to image and/or monitor that medium. A myriad of applicatio… [more]
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Notice of Catalog Availability In 2018-2019, the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment (AACSE) deployed 75 ocean-bottom seismometers and 30 onshore seismometers in the Kodiak-Shumagin segments of the Alaska subduction zone, sampling the arc, thrust zone and outer rise. As part of the AACSE project, the Alaska Earthquake Center (AEC) has been producing an earthquake catalog that makes use of this new array, in addition to onshore Transportable Array and permanent stations. AACSE is t… [more]
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4 March 2021 Dear Colleagues, We would like to bring to your attention the 2021 Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG) Summer MOdeling Research Experiences (SMOREs) program. This program provides financially supported training and research opportunities in computational geodynamics, with research projects focused on numerical modeling of tectonic processes on Earth and other planets within our solar system. The training and research projects involve a wide range of disciplines an… [more]
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