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Active Message Threads for June 2021

Gabriela Noriega
2021-06-18 14:06:07
SCEC Workshop: Research Mentor Training Date: July 8 & 9, 2021 (09:00-11:00 PDT each day) Research mentor training has proven to be effective in increasing knowledge, skills, and behavior with mentor-mentee relationships. This workshop is based upon an evidence-based, interactive approach that engages mentors and mentees in collective problem solving and connects them with resources to optimize their mentoring practices. The content is based on the curricula Entering Mentoring developed by … [more]
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Dear colleagues, We'd like to get in touch to let you know about a newly launched open access journal ES3 (Earth Science, Systems and Society<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.escubed.org%2fjournals%2fearth-science-systems-and-society&c=E,1,oNP7IRmvOxmINW4vJ8X0oZ2_X13V_AMF4u3pbuzgBTYB0mixDcakj67NM8DfWc3j6JQSrNGoq0aUC2jPEBmpJ2_XzZE5gJ1JTA3byhi4XA,,&typo=1>). We are accepting submissions for the first issue that uses cross-disciplinary research to showcase the relevance of … [more]
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