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Announcements by other (non-IRIS) organizations, which may be of general interest to the seismological community

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Active Message Threads for March 2022

The NASA ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) Science Workshop will be an in-person 2.5-day event organized by NASA and UNAVCO to bring together the science community in Solid Earth, Ecosystems, Cryosphere, Hydrosphere disciplines, and other areas of Earth science that will benefit from the NISAR mission. The workshop will: Inform the community about NISAR, its planned science data products and related funding opportunities. Provide a forum for building collaborations and discuss future dire… [more]
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Creasy, Neala Marie
2022-03-07 17:39:37
Title: AGU DI Section Mentorship Program Dear All, The AGU Study of Earth’s Deep Interior (DI) Section is pleased to continue our mentorship program for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars who are interested in learning how to propose/convene/chair a session at the 2022 AGU Fall Meeting. Interested students and postdocs should fill out the form (https://forms.gle/g2W8czGNoLnntQpN8) by March 23. We will do our best to match mentees with mentors (session conveners), but we cannot guar… [more]
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Ross Parnell-Turner
2022-03-01 19:31:32
Dear colleagues, Thanks to funding from the National Science Foundation, we are happy to announce that the U.S. is now once again a ‘Regular’ member of InterRidge. InterRidge is an international, non-profit organization supported by fee-paying member nations, concerned with promoting all aspects of ocean floor research (its study, use, and protection), administered by a rotating Office that is currently hosted by Korea. Although the U.S. was a founding member of InterRidge and hosted the I… [more]
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