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Active Message Threads for May 2022

Please see attached flyer for the Qantix Q8 presentation scheduled for Monday, June 13 at the Sheraton Pittsburgh Hotel at Station Square, PointView Room, 5pm-6:30pm. No registration necessary, just stop by! Hors d'oeuvres and beverages will be there. Thanks, [cid:image008.png@01D87052.2D57AF20] [cid:image008.png@01D2C996.FDAA27B0]<https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fkinemetrics&data=04%7C01%7Clani%40kmi.com%7Cf736e87eb1fa42d014db08d8c96da469%… [more]
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Please see the attached flyer for Pegasus system training offered the day before the SAGE/GAGE workshop. Monday June 13, 2022 at the Sheraton Pittsburgh Hotel at Station Square, Stoops Ferry Room at 9am to noon. There is free registration and it's ok to just drop in too. The flyer has the agenda and the notion for this pre workshop training is to help folks to understand the portable broadband capabilities enabled by this very low power device that the PASSCAL program is now fielding and lea… [more]
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Dear colleagues, It is our pleasure to invite you to contribute to the Special Section on Caribbean Tectonics, Seismicity and Earthquake Hazards, to be published in the Seismological Research Letters. The deadline for manuscript submission is June 1st, 2022. The intention is to have the Special Section out by the 2023 annual SSA meeting, to be held in Puerto Rico. In this email, you can find the description of the Special Section and the list of Guest Editors. Please feel free to contact any … [more]
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