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Active Message Threads for June 2022

Special GJI Issue on the January 2022 Eruption of Hunga Volcano In response to requests from the community, the deadline for papers to be submitted to the ``Hunga volcano special issue'' of Geophysical Journal International has been moved back. **THE SUBMISSION DEADLINE IS OCTOBER 1, 2022.** Papers submitted earlier will be published online as they are approved, and all approved papers will appear in a special volume, for which the target publication date is now April 15, 2023. As before, w… [more]
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Upcoming Webinar from the Committee on Solid Earth Geophysics Tsunami Science: The view from modeling and observations July 5 | 3:00PM - 4:00PM EDT The National Academies and the Committee on Solid Earth Geophysics invites you to a webinar on the past and future of tsunami research on Tuesday, July 5 from 3:00PM to 4:00PM EDT. Large tsunamis of past decades have underscored the potential for extreme hazards impacts from these events, but also the multidisciplinary scientific challenges that fa… [more]
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Dear All, SCAR INSTANT SC2.2 "Probing the Solid Earth and its Interactions" (PSE) plans to organize an in-person workshop in the second half of September this year. A main motivation to organize this workshop is given by the fact that there are plans (in the US and in the UK) to decommission large parts of the observational infrastructure in Antarctica, especially permanent GNSS on bedrock (but also seismometer sites might be affected). Thus, the main goal of the workshop will be to discuss … [more]
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