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Active Message Threads for September 2022

Dear Colleagues, Following the first COSMOS workshop in June 2022 on archiving and disseminating simulated ground motions, the COSMOS Ground Motion Simulation Working Group is planning a second online workshop on validation of simulated ground motions on 20 October 2022. You can find the tentative agenda at: https://sites.google.com/view/cosmos-gm-sim-wg<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsites.google.com%2Fview%2Fcosmos-gm-sim-wg&data=05%7C01%7Cbaagaard%40usgs… [more]
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Good morning all, Mladen Dordevic (IRIS) and I have a new version of the Symbols web-based tool for Google Earth (GE) that uses XLS files downloaded from StraboSpot. Symbols uploads an XLS file with StraboSpot point data, and outputs a KML file with 3D orientation symbols (bedding, foliation, lineation) positioned above the GE surface. There are a variety of options available to the user to customize the appearance of the symbology (size, color, etc.), including an option to query elevations f… [more]
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*Apply-to-Sail on* *An Open Access Seismic Investigation of Galápagos Plume-Ridge Interaction* *March 6-April 6 2023* *We are now accepting applications from graduate students and early-career scientists in the geosciences from U.S. institutions to sail on a marine expedition to deploy an array of ocean-bottom seismometers on the seafloor northwest of the Galápagos Islands.* The Galápagos area was among the very first locals ever to be recognized as involving the interaction bet… [more]
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Dear colleagues: Please join us for a workshop focused on Geophysical Data Citation, Attribution, and Licensing. This virtual workshop will take place over three days with four-hour sessions each day (October 17, 19, 21). The workshop aims to bring together scientists and stakeholders interested in citation and attribution of geophysical data. Participation is encouraged for any scientists and stakeholders interested in shaping the future of data acknowledgement. There is no workshop fee. We… [more]
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