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Active Message Threads for April 2017

LAST DAY!!! The registration and hotel reservation deadlines have been extended until Monday, April 24! Don’t miss out! All details are at the website: https://www.iris.edu/hq/workshops/2017/05/earthscope_17 <https://www.iris.edu/hq/workshops/2017/05/earthscope_17> And don’t forget to check out the field trip on Thursday afternoon. Spots on the field trip could sell out, so sign up and pay for the optional field trip, and see some of the iconic sites related to the 1964 Alaska earthquake. Se… [more]
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2017 CIG-LLNL Computational Seismology Workshop S-WHAV: Seismology Workflows for HPC from Access through Visualization 18-22 September 2017 Livermore Valley Open Campus Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Livermore, California The goal of the workshop is to provide participants with hands-on, end-to-end experience in accessing, processing, modeling, and visualizing seismic data using advanced tools in seismological research. Participants will have access to FDSN data centers and HPC … [more]
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The registration and hotel reservation deadlines have been extended until Monday, April 24! Don’t miss out! All details are at the website: https://www.iris.edu/hq/workshops/2017/05/earthscope_17 And don’t forget to check out the field trip on Thursday afternoon. Spots on the field trip could sell out, so sign up and pay for the optional field trip, and see some of the iconic sites related to the 1964 Alaska earthquake. See you in Anchorage! Jeff Freymueller EarthScope National Off… [more]
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Dear Friends of EarthScope, Are you curious about the EarthScope instrumentation deployed in Alaska? Take our free tour of the Alaska Operations Center on afternoon of Monday, May 15, to see and learn about the seismic and geodetic sensors and station components, and what is involved to install and maintain these stations throughout remote regions of Alaska. Questions are encouraged! NOTE: Participants do not have to be registered for the EarthScope National Meeting to take advantage of this … [more]
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Dear Colleagues, The deadline is near and registrations for the EarthScope National Meeting are pouring in. Register and submit your abstract this week, as the deadline for registration, abstract submissions, and hotel reservations is Friday April 21st, only 4 days away! The major theme of the meeting is EarthScope Synthesis, and the first day of the meeting will be given over to an all-day Synthesis session with an exciting array of speakers: Ved Lekic (University of Maryland), Andrew Schae… [more]
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2017-04-10 18:49:47
If your research involves modeling strain transients, analyzing the evolution of Episodic Tremor and Slip signals, studying the Earth tides or strains induced by atmospheric pressure, seiches or seismic waves then you might be interested in this course. Students will learn how strainmeters work, study examples where the data were used to model strain transients, and gain knowledge of the basic steps involved in processing strainmeter data. Instructors: Duncan Agnew (UCSD), Kathleen Hodgkinso… [more]
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This workshop takes a hands-on approach to learning the tricks of science communication, focusing on science communication as a conversation. The skills practiced can be applied to all channels of communication, from a public lecture to a social media feed. You will leave this workshop with personal goals for public outreach as well as a cohort of scientists similarly working to improve communication skills. Instructors: Beth Bartel (UNAVCO) and Maite Agopian (ESNO) Audience: Graduate stud… [more]
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The 2017 EarthScope National Meeting will be held in Anchorage, Alaska from May 16-18, 2017. Conference highlights include the opportunity to showcase research in oral and poster sessions, hear firsthand results of pioneering EarthScope studies and a synthesis of findings to date, and the option to participate in a post-meeting field trip led by local EarthScope scientists. Early career scientists are strongly encouraged to attend! Please register for the National Meeting, deadline of April 2… [more]
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2017 Crustal Deformation Modeling Tutorial and Workshop June 26-30, 2017, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN https://geodynamics.org/cig/events/calendar/2017-cdm-workshop/ The focus of this gathering will be computational models addressing crustal deformation over the the seismic cycle across single and multiple events. Other related topics, such as the mechanical properties of the lithosphere will also be discussed. The workshop will blend science talks… [more]
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The EarthScope National Meeting is coming up soon, May 16-18 in Anchorage Alaska with a workshop day on the 15th. Full details are at the meeting website: https://www.iris.edu/hq/workshops/2017/05/earthscope_17 The deadline for student scholarship applications is April 5. The deadline for abstracts to be considered for oral presentations is also April 5th, although abstracts for poster presentations can be accepted until April 21st. The first day of the meeting will be dedicated mostly to… [more]
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EarthScope National Office
2017-04-03 17:30:26
Please post the email below to your listserv: *Subject: * Scholarship and Oral Presentation Deadline Extended - EarthScope National Meeting ​ *​Email body:​​* Due to a mixup about the exact time of the deadline, the deadline for students to submit for the scholarship to attend the 2017 EarthScope National Meeting has been *extended*. Please submit your application by the end of the day, *TUESDAY, APRIL 4TH* in order for them to be considered. The same deadline will be used for abstracts to be … [more]
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